Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Well, well, well. Scooter Libby didn't spend a minute in jail. The blogosphere is positively throbbing with reaction. Fred Thompson is happy. Americans are appalled.

Nation, I urge you to chill. Did anyone expect that Scooter would do his time like a man? Was there ever a chance that the Junta would fail to give him a pass on his treasonous felonies?

No. Please.

Georgie commuted his jail time, but not his probation or his $250,000 fine. Clearly, that is yet a further dirty political trick to keep Scooter's mouth shut. As long as his appeal goes on, and there is both a criminal conviction and a penalty, Scooter and the Junta can keep their mouths shut, claiming non-interference with an ongoing case.

Has there ever been a bottom to their behaviour? Is there a sign anywhere that they've reached the limit on their depravity?

I mean, compared to the lakes of blood and uncountable mountains of cash squandered in Iraq, this Scooter thing doesn't even rate. These guys will do anything - anything - to aggrandize themselves and excuse their inexcusable conduct.

So don't sweat Scooter. He's just a symptom.


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