Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Arsonist vs. Firemen

Happy 4th of July! May America one day regain its independence!

I was looking at this article about recent polls that put Georgie and Congress on about equal footing. Bush is going anywhere from 26% to 32%, and Congress is going 27% to 35%. But that's not the story. They've both arrived at the same spot, but they're coming from completely different directions.

The Democratic Congress was voted into a majority last November to stop the madness - and they haven't done it. In fact, they haven't been able to restrain the Worst Executive Ever from making things worse.

They backed down from setting timetables to stop the war - pathetically. They've sent subpoenas that have been ignored, they've held oversight hearings where Junta operatives have either pleaded stunned amnesia or simple belligerence. "Sure I did it - what are you going to do about it?"

People want their country back, and they voted Democrat expecting to get it. But the Dems, as much as they have tried, are stymied by the lawless megalomaniacs in the White House. They don't recognize any legal constraint (unlike real Americans) and they use Congressional subpoenas to line bird cages.

Congress, to their shame, has not summoned the courage to really fight. Their lawfully executed subpoenas are being laughed at. Their will to de-fund the worst excesses of the Worst Executive has proven to be non-existent.

It's like the Arsonist and the Fireman. The arsonist becomes un-popular by setting homes on fire. The fireman, failing to put out those blazes, becomes equally unpopular.

A fireman who does not put out the fire is no good to anybody, and becomes a target of well-deserved scorn. After all, if he's not going to put out the fire, why not give the hat and hose to somebody who will? The fireman who doesn't stop the fire becomes an agent of the Arsonist, preventing others from doing the good work.

Nancy Pelosi and her compatriots need to get on with the job of dousing the Junta, or get the hell out of the way.


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