Friday, July 13, 2007


The calls for impeaching the Toddler Presnut and his KGB Controller, Cheney (what else could explain their combined behaviour?), have increased recently, at least among the bloggers who follow this Junta. With the monumentally unpopular commutation of Lewis Libby's sentence (I think calling him 'Scooter' makes his sound too teddy-bear. The guy's a felon, not Winny the Poo), Toddler's approval ratings are settling south of 30% for good. His public lawlessness is well-known.

So why not impeach?

Surely, if there ever was a Chief Executive who needed removing, it's Toddler. Literally, everything that Americans used to be proud of about their country has been despoiled. What's left to salute? Rule of law - nope. Moral superiority - hardly. Freedom and democracy - get real.

The list goes on and on. There is no part of America that is really American any more. Hell, we can't even say that we're trying to be an example to the world. We're not trying. Under Toddler, we're the greediest most selfish loud whiny and destructive kid in the sandbox.

So why not impeach?

One reason, which I haven't seen discussed anywhere, is that impeachment would only be effective if you got both the Toddler and his KGB Controller. You couldn't leave the top KGB agent in the world as president. Can you imagine what that guy would do? I suppose we've been governed by his twisted desires for six years now, but still.

So whack them both. Settle all the family's business.

Aye - there's the rub. Who's third in succession to the presidency? Condo Rice? Karl Rove? Robert Gates? Nope.

Nancy Pelosi. Speaker of the House.

So, by impeaching the Chimp and Vice Chimp, they'd be putting Nancy into the White House. And that's not really tenable. It would be hard enough to pull off the impeachment, but to put a leader of the opposition party in as head of state would be a wrong thing.

It would be wrong because that's not what America's about, and we still have to worry about that, even if they don't. I think that may be what she had in mind when she declared impeachment 'off the table' back in January. She's not going to back a move to aggrandize her own self into the presidency.

That being said, the historic level of 'high crimes an misdemeanors' being committed daily by this third-world style syndicate in charge compels a reexamination of that stance. It's going to take years of progressive policymaking to fix the country - if it does indeed ever get fixed.

And the media would have a right-wing seizure if Democrats tried to install one of their own without permission. And in American we can't just call a special presidential election - we have one coming next year anyway.

But the loss of life and liberty that continues unabated demands action now - we can't afford to wait until 2009 to stop these thugs.

I just hope Congressional Democrats read their low poll number closely and start acting. It's already too late for many who haven't survived this murderous regime.


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