Monday, March 05, 2007

Changed His Mind?

This one is really rich. The WaPo is going with: "Bush Shows New Willingness to Reverse Course." Right.

Examples of this include the new talks with Syria and Iran, finally firing Rummy, and the talks with North Korea. Could this be a new Preznit? A whole new Georgie, grown from his petulant moody teen years and blossoming into a twenty-something powerhouse?

Hardly. Though, from what I've heard about Georgie in his 20's, I'd say Laura better lock the liquor cabinet and the Secret Service better start arresting those crack dealers across the street.

No, none of this has anything to do with any "willingness" on Georgie's part. It's just that people understand him better now.

For example, Iraqi PM Maliki knows all too well that the only thing that Georgie and his Junta members understand is force. If there is any choice in the matter, there is no choice. Any opportunity to do what they want - no matter how cruel, deadly, and unpopular - will be savagely exercised. An option to do what they want is the same this as an order to do what they want.

So Maliki throws a meeting with Syria and Iran, and invites Georgie and Condo. What are they to do? Just sit it out and let Iran, Iraq, and Syria decide the future of the region? Hardly.

Condo needs to send some clone of John Bolton to scuttle any decisions from the talks. Can't have people making peace when there are neocons around demanding their ton of flesh.

North Korea finally got them to talk, but only after the NK's had secured a dozen or so nukes. Yes, the same agreement that Bubba got without creating a nuclear NK was secured by Georgie after they had acquired nuclear weapons. Thanks so much.

Rummy was, I think, just got too big for his britches and Darth Cheney had him whacked.

That's why the Democrats in Congress have to get their stuff together. It's been over two months, and they don't have an Iraq policy yet. And nothing that they do will have any effect at all unless it explicitly bans and prohibits things. Any law where Georgie can make a decision is a non-starter.

What's being discussed now is a resolution to allow Georgie to send troops to Iraq without proper training, rest, and equipment, but forcing him to approve the moves explicitly stating that he's sending them there without proper training, rest, and equipment.

The Murtha bill that would prevent him from sending those troops outright was seen as too liberal, too controlling of the 'commander in chief.' Which is complete nonsense. If they'd passed that, Georgie would have still sen the troops, but would have rotated them in from Korea or Japan or some other base. Their lives are his playthings, and he would have played away.

But if they pass this bill, he'll throw a 'signing statement' on it and keep doing what he's doing. He's proclaim that 'as Preznit, he finds the troops good (as long as they're not all wounded and worthless, in which case they can sit in rotting squalor) and ready in a general sense.' And that will be it.

Even after six years, the Democrats don't get that he will do or say anything, that he will break any law or tell any lie to keep his grip on power.

On fact, when a new president is finally elected in 09, I'll honestly be surprised to watch him go.

But, of course, Martians can replace their bodies at will, so he can come back as the next Preznit. Martians will continue to pose as Repub politicians as long as it takes to turn America away from the path of science, reason, social justice, and liberty.

It is only the power of their alien minds that can project such diabolical thoughts as: "tax the poor and middle-class, cut taxes on the rich," and "kill 600,000 innocent foreigners and 3,500 Americans while decimating the greatest military in world history."

Do you really think an earth person could propose those policies? Hardly. "Cut food support to poor single months?" You think someone from earth could pass that?

But I think our Martian overlords are running out of juice. Only another massive terror attack on US soil could keep them in power.

So look out!


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