Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Get Out

Americans want their country to get out of Iraq, and soon, no matter what. That's what a new poll concludes. 56% now say they want a deadline to pull out. That's not 56% who are against the botched war - that number is up at 65%. No, this 56% want a deadline - you know, "cut and run." That's a lot of people for the Junta to label (or libel) as cowards. You know, because, like, if 56% of America is cowardly, that means that most of America is a big wuss.

But, as always, the smear tactics are done by the actual cowards. Real cowardice is not having the wherewithal to admit any mistake, or to act in any real way to fix a bad situation. It's Georgie and his loyal gang of effete ruffians ("stop pushing me or I'll have my army lay waste to your village!") whose catastrophic wrongheadedness created the mess in Iraq. And now it's going to be everybody else's job to fix it.

As I've said before, the US is politically divided into thirds. One third are hard core wingnuts who will follow the orders of their right wing masters no matter what. This is proven time and again by the complete lack of ideology evinced by this group of loyalists. Georgie and the Junta have run a completely anti-conservative regime, and yet self-professed "conservatives" follow them blindly and completely.

Yes, 'small government conservatives' love their big government Junta. Libertarians love their spying and controlling Junta. Law and order conservatives love their lawless lying Junta. Nothing means anything to them but their affection for the authority of the leader.

Another third is just the opposite. This 'left' is really the center - it stands for reason and social justice. It - we - are dedicated to a better and more progressive world. That's why we're so mortified all the time.

And then there's the other third. The soft third. These are people who have few thoughts of their own and only very little willpower. They will believe most of what they're told by media figures and talking authority heads. They are a big problem, because the lies that fuel the rightist third also work on them.

It's taken years of blatantly obvious outright anti-American authoritarian neo-fascism for them to turn against this Junta, but they've just about arrived. They've repudiated Georgie, whose only support comes from his dead-enders. And they know he's lied - but the same polling margins - and that the Iraq war was not worth it.

But now they're getting to the point where they just want out of it. No more war, no more pointless needless death and destruction, no more unaccounted billions of dollars wasted, no more neocon fantasies of a realigned Middle East.

The problem is that the national media also resides in the gullible third, and they haven't gotten the memo. They're still re-typing Georgie's talking points and calling it 'journalism.' They help keep the gullible third on-side with the far right. People haven't found the truth because of the media - they've found it in spite of the media.

Now, if only we can cast these rightists out of the political world for good. They've been given the run of the place for six years, and look at the mess. They deserve all the political banishment we can muster.


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