Friday, February 09, 2007

Bad Intel


WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials undercut the intelligence community in the
run-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq by insisting in briefings to the White House
that there was a clear relationship between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida, the
Defense Department's inspector general said Friday.

Acting Inspector General Thomas F. Gimble told the Senate Armed Services
Committee that the office headed by former Pentagon policy chief Douglas J.
Feith took "inappropriate" actions in advancing conclusions on al-Qaida
connections not backed up by the nation's intelligence agencies.

That's what it looks like. Four years of stonewalling and outrageous lies, never a glimmer of truth. And a month into the new Congress, we get this. That's what oxygen smells like.

The word that was used when people talked about this back when it was, you know, happening, was "stovepiped." As in, Rummy's bloodthirsty warmongering chickenhawks "cherry-picked" (they used to say "cherrypicked" as well) intel that they liked and "stovepiped" it to Darth Cheney's office.

Slavering over a stinking fly-covered pile of fetid boar meat (i.e. "over lunch") Cheney would review the lies for bad elements of fact, which he would pluck out and then wrap in human entrails and throw to his Pit Bulls and Rottweilers.

The rest he would take to his Boy King, who would receive it with the gladness that he used to feel only after his tenth drink.

See, we pay millions of tax dollars to have professional spies and intelligence analysts look at stuff and decide what can be believed - and have policies formed around - and what is not to be believed. They are like the floors of a house. This house has a basement, where Doug Feith cooked up his bad intel, and a penthouse far above housing the Boy King in his playroom.

Between the dank basement and the penthouse are many floors with lots of smart people who know better than to let bad filth from the basement get to the Boy King. But Darth Cheney and his ole' pal Rummy put in a stiovepipe from the basement right to the Boy King's playroom, so the dark viscus fluid went straight to the top.

Make no mistake: everyone in the real intelligence community that look at Georgie's case for war knew it was bunk. The CIA, the NSA, hell the Girl Scouts of America knew better. But they've always been hawks, so they didn't question it either.

The person most responsible for the stovepiping and eventually the entire mess was Condo Rice. The National Security Director's job is explicitly to keep bad intelligence material from the president. It was up to Rice to support Powell's objections to the frame job on Saddam, and to make sure that the stovepiped crapola from Cheney and Rummy was kept far away from Georgie's tender and underutilized brain.

She failed. Cheney and Rummy and the Boy Kind got their war. and now there are over 600,000 Iraqis who are too dead to thank them for it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

600,000? I wonder how many orphans that made that will grow up parentless, furious and poor in a devasted, civil-war torn country - eventually 'thank' America for their freedom with homemade explosives.

- Buckets

5:11 AM  
Blogger fiduciary said...

How, exactly, does the Junta see this playing out? What possible way wil Iraqis ever forgive the US for this murderous assault? In five years they'll be like Ho Chi Minh's Vietnam - endlessly hostile and at least a generation away from normalizing relations.

Meanwhile, terror bombings all around!

11:44 AM  

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