Friday, February 16, 2007


The AP reports that support for the Boy King's surge is up! That's UP, baby! Stick that in your Pelosi San Francisco bong, Commie!

Oooh - those stupid Democrats! They never saw it coming - they thought they could grow their hair long and "drop out" and try to tell the Decider what to do. Hah! That's what his Daddy tried and it ain't worked yet! And he had a switch (actually a radio antenna from a late-model Cadillac El Dorado, but whatever).

The president has nudged support for the troop increase to 35 percent from 26 percent in early January. Sixty-three percent of those surveyed still oppose the increase.

See? Support isn't stuck at a quarter - it's all the way up to a THIRD. Over a third. And opposition is less than a full 66% two thirds at 63%. Yes, LESS THAN TWO THIRDS OPPOSE.

For the brash royal youth, that's practically a landslide. That's more than his own approval ratings - yes, for the first time in a long time, his war is more popular than he is.

So, what do these excess nine-percenters want? How was this historic shift from 26% to 35% achieved? There are many theories, but the one I favour is the fatigue theory. Those nine-percent are the people who are just too tired of the whole thing to keep arguing.

Yeah, the surge is stupid and pointless. It will never work and is bound to get a lot more people killed. But the Decider seems to have his heart set on it, and he says it will work. So why fight it? Let him try. It will make so little difference to the outcome of the conflict that it's not worth arguing about.

But what about the rest of us in the 63% rational pool? Can we get our own Decider?


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