Monday, January 29, 2007

Now Iran

Headline in the Boston Globe: "U.S.: Iran giving weapons to kill troops."

In the words of the immortal Scooby-Doo: "ruh-roh!"

So much of the Junta's rhetoric about Iran is exactly parallel to the Iraq fabrications that brought us into the current quagmire. The gathering threat. The nukes. Now, the reports of Iran arming Iraqi insurgents.

Of course, the only part that's true is the nukes - as opposed to last time. The Cheney-led Chickenhawks are pining for a run at Iran, they're just looking for their flimsy excuse. And if they want to go, and when they think they're ready to go, go they will - straight to their nuclear-proof bunkers, while more brave American service-people fight and die over more nothing.

Of course, for all the escalation of words, and sanctioning of aggressive action taken against Iranians inside Iraq, there is no evidence that Iran is doing anything of the sort. Read that sentence again: there is no evidence that Iran is arming or training Iraqi insurgents. At least, that's what the commie rag Los Angeles Times says. Here's a section of their story. Remember, this is a news story, not an op-ed piece:

In his speech this month outlining the new U.S. strategy in Iraq, President
Bush promised to "seek out and destroy" Iranian networks that he said were
providing "advanced weaponry and training to our enemies." He is expected to
strike a similar note in tonight's State of the Union speech.

For all the aggressive rhetoric, however, the Bush administration has
provided scant evidence to support these claims. Nor have reporters traveling
with U.S. troops seen extensive signs of Iranian involvement. During a recent
sweep through a stronghold of Sunni insurgents here, a single Iranian machine
gun turned up among dozens of arms caches U.S. troops uncovered. British
officials have similarly accused Iran of meddling in Iraqi affairs, but say they
have not found Iranian-made weapons in areas they patrol.

The lack of publicly disclosed evidence has led to questions about whether
the administration is overstating its case. Some suggest Bush and his aides are
pointing to Iran to deflect blame for U.S. setbacks in Iraq. Others suggest they
are laying the foundation for a military strike against Iran.

Before invading Iraq, the administration warned repeatedly that Saddam
Hussein was developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Those
statements proved wrong. The administration's charges about Iran sound
uncomfortably familiar to some. "To be quite honest, I'm a little concerned that
it's Iraq again," Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV, head of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, said last week, referring to the administration's comments on

So, Georgie's Officials are out telling the press that Iran is giving weapons to Iraqi's to KILL OUR TROOPS, which is a complete lie. Hmmm. And he said it in the State of the Union address as well.

It's clear to everyone watching that the White House is increasingly isolated and desperate. There is no question whatsoever that they - Rice, Cheney, Bush, Gates - think they can invade Iran without the permission of anyone, including the people's elected Congress. What frightens me is that they know that their program has been thoroughly debunked and repudiated by reality. Nothing they've done has worked - quite the opposite. Everything they've applied their hand to has been ruined. Their methods have proven over a period of years to be sloppy, lazy, and ineffectual.

So they know that this is their last chance. If they don't start a conflict with Iran in the next two years (less a month), the US may never fight Iran. And if the US doesn't start a war with Iran, THE US DOESN"T START A WAR WITH IRAN! The neocon nobility stands for nothing if not perpetual war to sow the fear that they need to stay in power.

Mark my words: if the congress doesn't take the constitutional bull by the horns and assert its control over the executive, we will be at war with Iran by the end of 2008.


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