Thursday, February 08, 2007


Iran is already talking about what they'd do if the US attacks - strike back, anywhere the US has interests. If this isn't a run-up to a war, what is it? Every time you turn around, it's the Junta making baseless and factless accusations about Iran's negative influence on their debacle in Iraq. And now this.

Look, the Ayatollahs in Iran aren't necessarily the most stable guys on the planet. Even though it;'s in their best interests to keep shut up and let Prince George make a bigger ass of himself, they're not going to do that. And when their nationals get arrested for no good reason in Iraq, they're just going to get more and more testy.

Which is great with Georgie, holed up in his bunker with Darth Cheney whispering vile nothings in his ear. The answer, in their twisted fantasy world, is always to escalate violence. Thus the Iraq surge - the Iraq war itself.

"There's a complicated intractable problem on the other side of the planet where they store our oil under their deserts."

"Bomb and invade!"

"We did that, and it seems to have made things worse."

"Use more force!"

"Force doesn't seem to be helping. In fact, it's killing us politically, ethically, and morally. We're becoming a pariah nation and nobody will ever ever trust us again because we've told more lies than OJ."


"Okay, now Iran is..."

"Go nukuler!"

And so on.

I've been meaning to address the issue of "Emboldening" for a while now. Every time Junta mole Joe "Go Large" Lieberman accuses actual Americans of "emboldening" the enemy by dissenting from Prince Georgie, what the heck exactly does that mean?

Are they not now sufficiently bold? If they were bolder, what would they do? What would that look like?

I mean, maybe that would be a good thing. Like, say a bunch of Sunni insurgents were sitting around reading the Congressional Record (or the Boston Globe) and saw that:

Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., said he wants Congress to express support for recommendations by the independent, bipartisan Iraq Study Group. The group, initiated at Wolf's behest, suggested most U.S. combat troops be withdrawn from Iraq by early 2008, leaving only a small number of forces behind to train the Iraqi security forces and provide logistical support.

"We have seen that the current Iraq policy is not working," Wolf said.

Maybe, seeing that the Great Satan is having a political debate, they'd start dancing in the streets because they'd scored a great victory. "The Caliphate will soon be here!" Then our soldiers could mow them down with machine guns.

That could be our new strategy. We could get Defeat-ocrat leader Nancy Pelosi to announce that she disapproves of the war every 30 minutes or so, and just have our guys time the announcements and catch the insurgents celebrating and otherwise doing emboldened things. And kill them.

It seems obvious to say, but I'll say it anyway: what emboldens our enemies around the world is the spectacle of a gelded America thrashing about violently and stupidly in a country they occupied by choice and allowed to disintegrate into civil war while they stood around and watched. That, my friend, is emboldening.

It's like watching the neighborhood bully get his ass kicked. Not so tough now, eh Sam? Do you think Bad Bad Leroy Brown ever held the locals in fear after A Girl Name-A Doris's husband got through with him? If you recall, he was cut in 'bout a hundred places and he was shot in a couple a more.

Just like our standing in the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So gather at your church - say a quiet prayer - hold each other's hands - Praying that you might be there

In honesty and peace,
with the whispers of your god falling on your ears

I'm no sure I know how that relates to what you're saying - but I felt it suitably cryptic and forboding. Plus Hawksley's playing London tonight.

- Buckets

4:02 AM  
Blogger fiduciary said...

Hot Damn! Let me know how it goes! Party!

1:25 PM  

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