Tuesday, January 30, 2007

More and More

Every day it seems there's a further encroachment on government by the extremist right-wing Junta that has taken power. Today, it's a new presidential directive to have a political appointee control all decisions made by the civil service. Now every decision on every operation, process, and service will be vetted by a political aparatchik. Get that, comrade?

The Soviet Union was famous for having a political officer with every military unit and government office. The sole reason for existence of the party was the continuation of the party.
All decisions were first political and second - if at all - practical. How different is that from how the Bush Junta works?

All their decisions are purely political. They are a living breathing (except Cheney) Potempkin Village. They are a political front that cares only about its own political survival. The bizarre part is how bad they are at it. The Soviet Union lasted 72 years. These guys are cooked in eight.
Of course, the Soviets were murderers and thugs from day one. The Bush Junta is still working up to it, though they've instituted torture and unjust imprisonment, so they're catching up. The Soviets controlled the media and the Junta has been enormously successful at that. But the Soviet's leftist ideology also allowed for a big planning government. They had a scheme - not a good one, but they had one. The Bush Junta has only Georgie and Cheney. They lurch from one crisis to the next, failing at everything (including the cover-up) and have no plan to persevere.

The Bush Junta and the Soviets are right and left, but they meet somewhere in the middle. Both have a firmly-held belief that individuals have only limited rights. Certainly, they have to right to be included in or informed on how they are governed. That's for their betters.

For the Soviets and the Junta, the only people who count as individuals are the wealthy and well-connected. Don't try to get an audience in Washington - or Soviet Moscow - without both deep pockets and political connections.

The Junta's downfall, as the Soviet's, is unjust and poorly executed wars. The Junta adventure in Iraq is tracking quite nicely along the lines of the Soviet disaster in Afghanistan. In both cases, a major military power quickly took the capital but failed to hold the countryside, as its own population steadily turned against the conflict as a tragic folly.

The Junta has two years left. What they will do to keep power is anyone's guess, but it will have
no limits. They will stop at nothing. They have stopped at nothing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your analogy is sadly accurate. The only thing is that Bush can't reoffer for a 3rd term (of course, the fact he wasn't even elected the 1st time didn't seem to matter). However, I worry about the tune of his swan song. The Dems don't seem to have found their voice, and appear to me to wobble on their new legs like a day old colt. Baby Bush is still acting like he has all the moral authority in the world. What will he do now, cornered like a rat with '08 looming large? What does HE have to lose? The old idea comes to mind: those who declare wars should have to fight them. At least his father faced enemy fire--W doesn't even have to face his critics. Thank you for making sense out of the situation!!!

5:54 AM  
Blogger fiduciary said...

Hey! I'm going to explore that idea in a future post - I think it'll work!

If Georgie and the Junta can prove conclusively (and the proof is out there) that they did NOT win the 2000 election, he can stand again for 2008.

And I'm sure you're not the first to notice - no doubt there are a terebite of files in Rove's office computer exploring the idea. But since Georgie's approval ratings have dipped below the 30 mark, this time they'd have to actually use guns and shut down all polls in blue states.

But as they like to say, "all options are on the table."

12:10 PM  

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