Wednesday, December 13, 2006

More War

As everyone knows, this site is all about making astounding predictions about the future which inevitably come true, like it or not (the administration will screw this up" is the standard).

So here's your free, no charge, guaranteed prediction for the day. After the ISG has reported, and the ex-generals and current generals have spoken, and Rummy has flimmity-flamed his way out of the DOD, Bush's grand new Iraq December pre-Christmas strategy (ready for January, maybe) is this: nothing.

The Decider is in a real pickle. In order to be the Decider, and not just another of Poppy's boys or a guy who listens to Congress or anybody besides Rove (who's not looking so hot these days, either), he has to decide on his own path and nobody else's. And his path is this: eternal failure.

This is not a guy who takes failure lightly. Failure and Georgie are old friends. And every time he has embraced failure, it's been his ticket forward.

His Iraq policy is perfect; it's already failed. How can you screw up something that's already broken? The economy was riding a high and the government budget was in surplus when he took over - now it's in a shambles of historic magnitude. Mission accomplished.

Saddam Hussein was a tin-pot dictator relegated to the fringes of world concern, an evil dictator with a wrecked army, no WMD, and no future. Now look - Iraq is a world hot-spot, churning out terrorists like Apple makes Ipods. Even the Iraqis who were miserable under Saddam are somehow, almost miraculously, more miserable today. Mission accomplished.

And Rummy's been tossing barbs at him on his way out the door. How can he make changes when Rummy's telling him to now? He won't reduce troops, because that's what Poppy's guys are telling him to do - forget it. He can't increase troops, because that's what John McCain wants to do - no way. Why help McCain? All those damn War Heroes just need to shut the hell up.

So he'll find the least possible thing to do to make nobody but himself and his brigade of worshippers happy. Maybe send more body armour to those crybaby troops. Maybe send more guns to the Iraqis (though those seem to end up with the Insurgency more often than not).

Whatever. It will be a big announcement timed to step on the Democrat's take-over of Congress.

Try to beat that press, Commie Pelosi.


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