Monday, November 27, 2006


The long-expected Baker-Hamilton report on Iraq is reportedly going to suggest that we start talking to Iran and Syria to improve the security situation in Iraq. That fact that this is a radical suggestion for these morons is just further proof that we've been ruled by a government that's not fit to govern a kilometer-wide Pacific atoll with a population of three sea lions and a manatee.

We did, in fact, invade Iraq. Iraq is, in fact, wedged between Syria and Iran. Okay, so Syria and Iran are global bad guys, no arguement there. But that's just more reason to talk with them. Like all the hundreds of other failed policies of this Junta, the 'not talking' thing has proven to be a huge failure - but there's no turning away from an established policy, even when (especially when) it's a colossal boondoggle.

By refusing to speak to North Korea, we've sat by while they've built new nukes under our noses. Iran is openly advancing a nuclear program. The time for not talking is way, way over.

What if the cops stopped talking to criminals? Would they stop stealing stuff? This is like the police saying: "we won't talk to bad guys because they want to talk to us, so we won't reward them. but if they do anything seriously wrong, we will shoot them."

Obviously,the crime rate for simple theft would skyrocket. The shootable crime would stay about the same.

And so it is with Iran and Syria. As long as they don't do anything bad enough to bring on an invasion (not that we could anyways with our broken military), they can and will do anything they want. Including (and especially) destabilize Iraq.

Now, if they'd only have the good sense to fly an airforce or launch some advanced subs or build some ICBM's, we'd have them. Our old Cold Warriors are itching for a new Soviet type of threat that they can build against. We're already dropping $100 billion on missile defense and launching new aircraft carriers and subs.

Let's hope for the Junta's sake that Osama takes his jihad to the seas and air - and space! Then we'd start actually fighting them!


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