Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Okay, read this, and try to understand why it's taken longer than all of World War II for our "leaders" to come up with this.

Did you read it? Okay, here's what it says: it might help if Iraq had less than a 70% unemployment rate, so let's get some Iraqis back to work. Do you think? Just maybe, if there weren't millions of unemployed men sitting around funeral parlors burying relatives and hating Americans, maybe if they were working they wouldn't take the first nickel offered and go shoot at our troops?


I've written before that my answer to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a Marshall Plan for Palestine. Without good jobs and a future, there is no hope for the Palestinians. They will simply sit and take endless handouts and hate and kill. That 50+ year cycle has to be broken.

In Afghanistan, they were willing to give us a chance. They shouldn't have bothered. The same single-digit-IQ bunch that flinched at Tora Bora and let Osama get away are the same bunch that cheaped out at reconstruction, and now we (NATO) are locked in an endless struggle against a foe who can easily wait us out, like they waited out the British and the Russians.

Iraq is a far worse story, though. Iraq was the plaything of the neocons, their test case. That mean Self Reliance and lots of Bootstraps and, most importantly, Cartel Capitalist Carpetbaggers. Their idea was to sell Iraq off cheap to anybody who would buy.

Reconstruction contracts? Those are for Bechtel and Halliburton, not for Iraqis. The money was for the bagmen like Chalabi and the few other connected Iraqi's who had access to their masters in the Green Zone.

So what was the expectation? The know-nothing fantasy-world neocons thought that Iraqis would line up for jobs at the doorsteps of international carpetbagging war profiteers and work for pennies. In the real world, they refused to take it.

So now we're back to well before square one. Square One should have been the stable security of 500,000 troops preventing looting and imposing law and order. Square One would have been Iraqi businesses getting preferred treatment in contract bidding. Imagine if all the money wasted on thieving war profiteers had gone instead to average Iraqis.

But that's how these guys work - just look at the US. They're paying themselves first, last, and exclusively. They've even broken the bank for their own kids and grandkids. They exist for greed, and that's where it's taken us. We all now live in greed world. If you want something, you have to take it for yourself.

And if you were stupid enough to be born Iraqi or just poor (anywhere), you are on your own, Bub.

So then, years later after Rummy has resigned, we get this bolt: "hey, why not put them to work?"

Maybe it's Socialism, but gee - maybe it'll get them to stop killing us. Gee, maybe there might be some value to looking out for the poor and creating a middle class. Maybe - and try to stay with me here - the world doesn't exist for the sole pleasure and enjoyment of those born to wealth.

Do you think?


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