Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Just Like Home

A couple of interesting bits in the NYT today on our good friend Iraqi PM Maliki. The first is a leaked (seemingly - a NYT reporter copied it from a text given by an anonymous WH Staffer) report by Stevie Hadly, the National security Advisor. He says that Maliki's heart is probably in the right place, but he doesn't necessarily have the right stuff to make changes in Iraq.

“His intentions seem good when he talks with Americans, and sensitive reporting suggests he is trying to stand up to the Shia hierarchy and force positive change,” the memo said of the Iraqi leader. “But the reality on the streets of Baghdad suggests Maliki is either ignorant of what is going on, misrepresenting his intentions, or that his capabilities are not yet sufficient to turn his good intentions into action.”

For all the "unvarnished report" says about Maliki, it might say even more about Hadley. Because in a companion analysis piece, Hadley's own 'reality check' seems to fall substantially short.

"Some key passages in the Hadley memo seem at odds with the reality on the ground, as if the steady worsening of America’s prospects here has driven the White House to reach for solutions that defy the gloomy conclusions of America’s diplomats and field commanders, not to mention some of Mr. Maliki’s closest political associates. "

Fascinating. Even when they try to get a grasp on reality, is slips away like a wet soap sliver. Best not to chase those down where Hadley and the rest will end up. They'll want to stand straight up, back against the wall.

The portrait of Maliki, on the eve of his summit with Georgie (in Jordan - even the Green Zone isn't safe enough anymore) is shockingly similar to one you could paint of Georgie himself: out of touch, wanting to take control but unsure how to do it - and playing exclusively to his base. In georgie's case, it's the Christianists. In Maliki's case, the Shiia.

Either way, you get the impression that even with third degree reality burns, these guys are simply not capable of grasping how big a mess they've created. They don't seem to have the intellectual or moral fibre to take in the scope of the disaster and start dealing with it. But since the electorate has started to wake up from the lie-indiced stupor of the last six years, they have to at least look like they're trying.

My advise to both men is to just stay in Amman. Neither is welcome back to their capitol city.


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