Thursday, December 07, 2006


The hiply-acronymed 'Iraq Survey Group' has published their long-awaited 'bipartisan' recommendations. I will admit to reading 1. Coverage and 2. The executive summary. Other things are far more important to my, like working my way through a Madden 07 tournament on my Xbox.

Still, like many of the dishonest and ill-considered opinions out there on the Rightist side of the Internets, I've read more than enough to know what I think. And I think it's bunkum.

No surprise there, right?

As has been observed by sharper eyes than my own (like the irreplaceable glenn Greenwald), the group was composed entirely of people who got Iraq wrong to begin with. The original dissenting voices are still considered pinko peaceniks who don't deserve to have their (correct and far seeing) opinions heard. Pity.

Baker himself has a Cloak of Bipartisanship, much like an AD&D artifact. He puts it on as a way to show that he's just looking out for y'awl, and just wants to do what's best for everyone. Right.

Nevermind his 60 years of intense partisanship. Nevermind that Poppy sent him to Florida in 2000 expressly to thwart the will of the people and get his idiot son elected president (see where that got you, Poppy? You're out raising canned good donations with Bubba - Jimmy Carter's running circles around you).

Baker is supposedly the king of the 'realists.' That means that he sees everything as a reality TV show. And he knows that unless he intervenes, everyone is going to vote his tribe the hell off the island. And he doesn't shower, but that's a Cloak thing. Nevermind.

So the fake bipartisan has reported that nothing is working in Iraq. Which everyone outside the federal government (and most within it) already knows. What else? We should step away by 08 no matter what, unless something else happens.

But the odds of something else happening are - whoops! Something else just happened while I was typing. Darn. There goes the report.

Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of the whole thing. It's such a PR exercise. It's like all these Junta delegates had to get together in a group-think to have the acorns to tell Leader Georgie that his big ideas are complete garbage. Hell, they even told him to start telling the American People the truth. I'm pretty sure he's not capable of that. But Baker spent enough time around a real live Congress to know what can happen when the subpoenas start flying.

What will be the change? Georgie will change nothing under any circumstances. The ISG report will allow Rightists and other Junta members the right to discuss Iraq as an abject failure. Without the report, they were under a lot of strain, because they knew how big a disaster it was, but were unable to talk about it because it was forbidden.

And that's where we are now in public and private political speech. The media will only talk about Junta-sanctioned topics in a Junta-sanctioned way. Rightists themselves will only talk about reality from behind this walls in a bug-swept dive bar at two in the morning under low-hanging tobacco smoke and across a dirty wooden floor from the cheapest floozies this side of St. Louis.

I don't know where that came from.

Anyway, the ISG report will serve the purpose that that other, obsolete document was intended to - it grants free speech to the people who are Loyal Americans.

If only we still had the Constitution thing in place. Do you think Dick Cheney kept the ashes?


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