Friday, December 01, 2006


Georgie was talkinating about a 'graceful exit' in front of the press and his ole pal Maliki. As in: "no graceful exit."

"I know there's a lot of speculation that these reports in Washington mean
there's going to be some kind of graceful exit out of Iraq," the president said.
"This business about a graceful exit just simply has no realism to it

No realism - get it reality freaks? Don't come around to this surreality-based imperial mission and start talking about doing things gracefully.

When we leave Iraq, it will be with our our tail between our legs or not at all. It will be with wailing and crying and gnashing of teeth. It will be in the front of a river of blood wider and deeper than the Ole Mississip.

So, if you think there's ever been a way to make things "right" by doing fairy pansy unmanful "reconstruction" or "leaving things better than we found them," just forget it. When we go, Gracie, they'll have to re-name the place "Widowandorphanistan."

So don't think that just because the "Dad's Army" Baker Commission comes out with a suggestion to stop, you know, needlessly killing people and having our own people killed, that's some sort of excuse to rethink anything. Rethinking is for Euro-Leftists. Remember Commies? They re-thought stuff. And look where it got them.

So don't ask the Decider to start Rethinking. Hell, thinking alone was hard enough. 'Specially with Cheney blowing whiskey breath in the Leader's shell-like ear.

It's not happening. You want to do something graceful? Something the Leader makes it a point to never do? Go hit a Church or Mosque or Synagogue or Sacred Cave or whatever turns your spiritual crank and send up a prayer.

We sure need it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I nearly gagged when I saw G.W.'s statement about the impossibility of a "graceful" exit strategy! I seem to recall a war--sorry, "policing action"--back in the 60's/70's that lacked a graceful exit strategy. I think an analogy between Vietnam and Iraq breaks down when looking at cause & effect, but I still see the mistakes of arrogant & ignorant politicians written for posterity in the red ink of the dead. Whatever happened to "Mission Accomplished"? It's hard to believe G.W. actually learned how to fly a fighter plane. That kind of thing takes smarts. Maybe he flew, but just not "gracefully."

8:47 AM  
Blogger fiduciary said...

You're right about the relative difference in cause between Vietnam and Iraq. As I wrote a while back, JFK, JBJ, an even Nixon (in his own way) were motivated by a real Cold War against a real opponant that really had nukes and really sponsored states.

While Vietnam was wrong for too many reasons to list here, it was motivated by patriotism and a will to do right in the world.

What was the motivation for the Iraq war? Will we ever really know? We are fighting and killing for - what? There is no answer. So we're asking our men to kill for essentially nothing.

Is there a better or faster way to corrupt a nation than that?

I should say that I support the Canadian/NATO mission in Afghanistan as a legitimate fight against legit bad guys (the Taliban). But under American leadership, the project is pointless and doomed, unfortunately.

Nice to hear from you!

4:31 PM  

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