Friday, November 24, 2006

The Few, The Proud

The new top Marine, Gen. James Conway, says that the Corps is over-stretched.

"There is stress on the individual Marines that is increasing, and there is
stress on the institution to do what we are required to do, pretty much by law,
for the nation," he was quoted by The Associated Press as saying.

The only surprise in the announcement is that it was made at all. We've become so accustomed to being lied to that the truth seems shocking. General, are you certain that you don't want to retract that? Change your story? No?

What was once commonplace - telling thetruth to congress and the people - is now a bizarre and somewhat surreal event. It wouldn't be that much more off if a disembodied head had come to Washington to talk about the experience of being blown up by and IED.

So now the Guard is a "broken force" and the Marines are tretched too thin to do their job. Who's next? The Navy? Maybe they don't have enough ships to transport all those soldiers and Marines over to fight Georgie's boutique war.

As Lt. Kendrick (Keifer Sutherland) says in the film A Few Good Men: "I love you Navy boys. Every time we have to go fight, you give us a ride."

Anyway, just tack up one more bit of national destruction to the Junta. I mean when the Marines start saying they can't do their job, you know you're in trouble.

It's like Mike Tyson saying he's 'too overdone in Bolivian' to bite a guy's ear off.


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