Monday, November 20, 2006

Iraq and Others

What's next in Iraq? It's hard to know. There is a new Democratic Congress that's going to want a say in the matter. And then there's the failure-fueled authoritatians in the White House - they're going to want to keep calling all the shots. And we all know where that has gotten us.

As by way of predicting the way this is going to go in the next few weeks and months, look for the Baker family retainer Iraq study group to come up with a bunch of recommendations. The Pentagon has beaten them to the punch with their own three-tiered proposal.

Democratic congressional leadership will have their own ideas. John Murtha was the first one out in front of the 'staged withdrawal' option.

And none of it makes any difference.

The Junta will do what the Junta does. Bush and Cheney will move forward as they always have - with fundamental corruption and a singular hatred for our system of government. Seriously, who hates American freedom more than the government officials who have scrapped it? Talk about 'working for change within the system.'

The Baker boys and the Pentagon and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will all come forward with suggestions and urgent action plans. The only 'urgent plans' that Georgie has are back at his Texas mansion. "Clear brush." "Walk dowgs."

But the tumult about 'changing direction' will serve the political purpose of making Iraq policy less toxic for the Junta. Rove will send the message: "We're changing and listening - give us time to make a difference." And the bought-and-paid for media will support it.

They'll ask Democrats - who were just elected by the people to fix the problems and make changes - "why aren't you giving the administration time to act? Why are you trying to force your cut-and-run before the BRAND NEW White House strategy has a chance to REALLY WORK?"

Right. That's Rove getting his chops back. He made two very un-Rove-like blunders over the mid-terms, which cost his side the election. First, he held back the Rummy firing (which might have kept the Senate and made Georgie an admitted out-of-the-closet liar), and he didn't have the Fabulous Baker Boys Commission report before the elections.

He miscalculated that the Iraq fear would still overcome the Iraq shame. He thought that%


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