Thursday, November 16, 2006

I'm mostly through my first week here, and it's been something of a whirlwind. Certainly my greatest professional challenge. There is a tremendous amount to learn, and my areas of expertise (such as they are) have yet to be called on. In fact, I may end up having to create my own niche here, as there are some possible areas where I can create some territory. Stay tuned.

On the Junta front, it's party time in the Democratic camp. It was obvious that the promise of bipartisan that came from the Junta initially through Georgie himself was, as always, empty words. Bushie has pushed his radical right judges forward as well as the odious Michael Bolton. And the Dems have already said 'No.'

Here's a quick list of things that must end in the next two years:

1) Tax cuts for the rich. We can't afford them; we never could.

2) Psychotic rightists in positions of power. See where Rummy and Brownie and Roberts and Alito and the rest of the slavering authoritarian fascistic demagogues have brought us? We're not going there anymore.

3) Outright lies on both important and small matters. When the WMD garbage starts to fly through the machines of a compliant press, there will be an opposition in place to start sending out subpoenas to get to the truth. Remember - when AG Gonzo testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee on torture and wiretapping, he was pointedly not placed under oath. Get your hands on that Bible, Gonzo, and start telling the truth under penalty of law.

4) Sunshine and flower petals in Iraq. It's all falling apart and the new guys will have to clean up the mess.

5) Criminal negligence on oversight. Halliburton will have to turn off the vacuum cleaner they've been using to Hoover up all our money with no accountability. Political cronies won't have the government's ATM pin anymore.

6) Environmental dumping. This, like many things, will be hard to enforce. Like the Civil Rights section of the DOJ, the EPA has become a rubber stamp for greed-happy extremists.

For many of these things, the sunlight shone by simple basic oversight will make them shrink away. For others, the Junta will simply brass things out, keeping their programs despite Congressional disapproval. It may be up to the courts to%


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