Tuesday, November 07, 2006


It will come as no surprise at all that I'm sitting here hoping that both houses of Congress go Democrat today. In my life, I never thought I would see such a thorough destruction of the great American experiment as I've seen from this president and this congress. It's time to start the investigations. It's time to start cleaning up the mess, and it's time to pay the bill.

And that includes bringing the war profiteers to justice along with their enablers. I don't want to hear about any unity or reconciliation crap. They've done big hurtful murderous bankrupting damage, and we're going to have to name names. The Haliburtons need to be put out of business, and I mean now. The Congress needs to start oversight, indictment, and impeachment proceedings - now.

And when the Chimp is impeached and indicted, it'll be time to impeach Cheney.

And it all starts tonight.

I haven't poll-watched much. I know a few of the big and close races will come down to anti-democracy forces on the Republican side trying desperately to save their asses be stealing the election for their masters. I pray that Democrats are wise to them now, but you never know.

So if you're reading this in the US, it's time to vote. If you need any convincing, go read this Rolling Stone story and then go vote.

We'll see where that leaves us in the morning.

And don't miss Stewart/Colbert live tonight.


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