Saturday, May 27, 2006


So it is possible. Some of these guys can have priorities other than their immediate aggrandizement and enrichment. Amazing.

Not that I in any way agree with them, but it's shocking to see that there is something they hold as more dear than power. At every turn over the past five years, political expediency has trumped national security, national honour, and the national economy. Nothing has stood before the Rovian will-to-power.

Quick example: all conservatives, even NeoCons, are supposed to believe in smaller government. And yet, under their complete control, the government has grown in size and debt faster and to a larger size than ever before in the nation's history. Why? It's politically expedient to buy voters with government largesse, and the cartel capitalists in charge have been selling government money to their buddies in industry for a penny on the dollar.

Okay, back to the part where they kind of believe in something. The FBI raided the offices on Rep. William Jefferson who's probably a crook and happily - for them - a Democrat. But look out - there are a thousand Republican crooks (and serious political machine traitors) for every lone Democrat bone-head.

Further, the Executive Branch should not be raiding the Legislative Branch if you read that Constitution thingie. So soon-to-be-raided Speaker Dennis Hastert and other soon-to-be-bagged Republican criminals/representatives took up the fight.

And here's where somebody actually believed in something: AG Gonzo and FBI Dude Meuller (and others) threatened to resign if Georgie gave back the stuff they took from Jefferson. Resign!

I mean, nobody resigns anymore. Except all those career CIA leaders when Porter Goss was turning the place into a GOP pep rally.

So what was the resignable point? Gonzo wasn't going to resign when he heard about illegal NSA wiretaps and phone records. He sure didn't get his dander up about torture and secret detention. Those things are all honkey-dory to our Attorney General.

Sorry, I just got one of those shivers.

But he's not all torture and surveillance. Oh, no. There are things 'up with which he shall not put.'

Like Constitutional separation of powers.

This Junta really takes the prize. They believe in nothing but their own limitless power. And Gonzo is willing to fight. For that. Not for upholding the law of the nation. Not for human rights.

But for Georgie's rights. And for the right of the government to do whatever they want whenever they want to do it.


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