Friday, May 19, 2006


Remember when I shot your dog and threw your whole family out the door of a speeding bus on the highway? Can't we just forget that and move on so I can protect you? It was, after all, only in your best interests.

Oh, sure, your uncle Wally can't walk anymore and you still have all that pain and, I know - you're broke. But I can't do my job if you're going to keep asking me questions like: "are you going to keep shooting me and stealing all my money?" What business is that of yours?

Because that's exactly what Gen. Hayden wants. Just trust him. Sure, CIA is a mess and the whole Iraq debacle is playing itself out, step by step, with the current Iran issues. But if you nosey "press" and "citizens" would just keep your place and stop asking embarrassing questions about what's gone on in the past, we can all move forward to being "safer," meaning "more afraid and subservient and eternally at war."

Isn't that what we all want?

"It's time to move past what seems to me to be an endless picking apart of the archaeology of every past intelligence success or failure," Hayden said. "CIA officers . . . deserve recognition of their efforts, and they also deserve not to have every action analyzed, second-guessed and criticized on the front pages of the morning paper."

Yes, stop nit-picking that "archaeology" that happened on Hayden's watch at NSA - and is still going on. We'd love to, General, really, but all those archaeological bones are still shooting at our kids. The stuff in the 'dig' is listening to our phone calls without warrants.

The CIA has been turned into the political listening machine of a would-be dictatorship. When this greedy power cabal wanted to invade a country that was no threat to us as a give-away to big defense industries, CIA said 'okey-doke.' We need a CIA that just does facts (remember facts? That, my friend, is archaeology). We do not need a CIA that works for one political party and supports one ideology.

You know, an American agency.


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