Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Point

I'm not the first to say this, but I think it's important to give it the full 'echo chamber' effect: the Abramoff scandal is not about lobbying, and "lobby reform" is not the way to prevent future Abramoffs. The issue is official corruption. It's the Republicans accepting dirty money for services, not the rats who offer the money.

Junta members are scrambling to introduce anti-lobby legislation in a desperate attempt to look like they're doing something. They're even proposing a ban on Members accepting trips. Gosh! See, that way, no Member of Congress will every take money to vote a certain way ever again.

It's drivel, but if the Dems drop the ball (yet again) the Junta might slime out of this with the voters this year. "See!" they'll say: "we're all reformed! We won't take any more trips directly from lobbyists!"

Sure, but there will be lots of contributions to the various children's charities that grease the skids of power in the Junta.

Don't let anyone tell you that this is about lobbyists. It's about the bottomless maw of greed at the heart of the Republican congressional machine.


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