Monday, December 26, 2005


Isn't funny how 'small government conservatives' always run screaming to government whenever there's a whiff of trouble for them? Sure, it's okay for all those kids to go hungry, and if they don't have prostheses for walking, that's G-d's will. But don't raise my taxes! And hey - that professor said mean things about Georgie - make a law!

Yes, as we've all heard at one point or another, conservatives are making noise because so many university instructors are the L-word - and not the fun TV L-word. Well, I guess that, too, but that's not the problem today.

The problem is that cute blond university conservative co-ed (why do we only use the term co-ed in a titillating sense? Are there not overweight computer geek male 'co-eds?' Are they not equally co-educational?) complained to some conservative at a picnic (and I'm not making that up - check the article) because her pottery instructor (or something) said bad things about Dear Leader.

Isn't that exactly how it works in North Korea? Except that they don't have blonds. Or picnics.

Here's the thing: conservatives who pretend to be 'intellectual' and find reasons to do all that damaging stuff that their sponsors want to do (like drill in ANWR) create their own reality. They don't live in the world that obeys things like gravity and the scientific method. They see disciplines like sociology as means to an end. If you want to cut social spending, use sociology to prove that social spending only hurts those it's supposed to help.

Except, in our reality where science works and people starve, social spending is what keeps some people alive and helps others get back on their feet. In any event, you can't use the conservative method and expect to pass your classes in school.

The scientific method:

1) experiment.
2) Observe.
3) Theorize.

The conservative method:

1) Conclude.
2) Write the paper.

For all the Tom DeLays and Bill StrangeFrists out there saying that stuff makes sense, there are a bunch of University of Alabama students wondering why they're flunking out.

So there must be a legislative alternative to professors teaching 'fact.' After all, we're not cutting educational funds for nothing - we have to get dumb quick. Blond conservative chippie Jennie Mae Brown (yes, that's her name) has pushed and small government conservatives have listened: more than a dozen states are considering an "Academic Bill of Rights" to address the fact-based community's academic disdain for conservative "thought."

Of course, this is exactly the sort of thing that tenure was supposed to protect us against. Hopefully it will produce a reaction from professors and not just more long naps.

And whatever happened to the conservative battle for ideas? Well, that never got off the ground. It was fine, in theory, to say that they have better ideas that will win out, but things have gone so horribly wrong for them since they've lied and cheated their way to power.

They've had everything they've ever asked for - all the power and all the money - and the result has been unmitigated disaster. Even the disaster was a disaster. Turns out, all their theories are wrong.

Which was fine back when they were just cashing 'think tank' cheques from corporations that wanted them to prove that we don't require clean air or water and that consumers are just fine under that boot-heel, but now that they're governmenting, the proof is there for all to see.

Private industry is hideously wasteful and far more costly to use than government employees. Sorry, Halliburton, but you've been outworked by the public sector. Starve the Beast (in it's guise as Trickle Down) is colossally destructive because there will never be the votes needed to savage the poor and middle class the way satanic neocons want. All it does is set up a great depression by destroying the economy. And the rich will circle that bowl with the poor.

On and on it goes - aggressive wars of convenience make us international pariahs and targets and far less safe. Everything they believe is based on a lie that's convenient for somebody. Look for who's making the huge dollars from a bit of misguided destructiveness and that's who's driving the policy.

So they want to bring this to the university? Believe me - an I know from experience - universities are already badly run political hell-holes. They don't need your help Jennie Mae.


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