Friday, November 25, 2005


Get out your chequebooks! Brownie, Inc., is here to take your cash. Yes, our favorite disaster of a disaster planner has put up a shingle to act as an Emergency Management consultant. Brownie, as Georgie called him before the Katrina response dropped an anchor into Georgie's dinghy, was the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) who was steadfastly clueless about thousands of stranded people who were suffering prematurely meeting their maker.

And he really believes that somebody's going to give him money to do their emergency planning?

Maybe he's right. Not about the emergency stuff - I'd rather have Chicken Little (who would at least notice something was terribly, terribly wrong) in charge. No, Brownie's got it right about neocon America.

In this Bizarro America, people like Brownie can get top emergency leadership jobs based on their loyalty to the Junta. Being dogged in fund-raising and willingness to suspend disbelief about the policies that make no sense (of just the severely limited intelligence that would make the lies too hard to understand) are all that's needed to succeed.

A lot of "experience" or "training" or, G-d forbid, "education" are in no way needed, and are an active impediment. People with those kinds of things would have seen through all the lies and put them (not the Junta) in one of those 'Emperor has no clothing' situations where it's important to discredit and fire the truth-teller immediately.

So Brownie, having completed his task as a colossal and (until the Junta took over) unprecedented failure, has every expectation of grabbing some sweet corporate moola. Already, he's been given $150,000 as a 'consultant' to FEMA to help figure out what went wrong (that's an expensive mirror).

Of course, Congress could have gotten the same information with a subpoena, but that's not how the Junta congress works. "Oversight" is a dirty word, never to be used in Washington again. It smacks of "responsibility" and "accountability."

And if the business world works like the cartel capitalists in Washington do, Brownie will be working in no time. Georgie, Chicanery, et al, have proven time and again that their business experience prepared them to do nothing but tear the country to pieces through fierce and aggressively destructive incompetence and stupidity. Hell - they hired Brownie!

Maybe I'll put out my own shingle as a disaster manager. I was never head of FEMA, but then again I never let a storm kill thousands and do billions in damage while I was at supper, either.


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