Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Now They Oversee

There's a long bit in the NYT Magazine about how the 'Imperial Presidency' is probably over, and how the Congress was turned, institutionally, into Bush's entourage. It's a pretty good read, and only about eight years overdue.

But what chills me about the concept of congressional Oversight is that it only seems to happen (any more) when there's a Democrat in the White House. Bush can break every tenet of democracy and decency, and Congress sits on its hands. Obama has yet to take the Oath and they're scratching up new subpoenas.


Even though they only fight when they think it's easy, I don't want to call Congress a bunch of bullies. They don't have the wherewithal to take lunch money from small kids (only to cut lunch money from the budget if the Boy King tells them to). They are so lacking in the basic human quality of 'sack' that they're even going to let Joe Lieberman back into their caucus.

Yes, that Joe Lieberman.

It's well past the time when the fault of the mess that we're in falls completely on the heads of the rightist scum that perpetrated the deeds. Congress should have stopped them after 06. The Democratic Congress has been the cop standing and watching the serial killer strike again and again - and doing nothing.


Why did they never oversee the Bush criminals? Why were they content to run out the clock as people died in masses in the Middle East - at our hands? As the corporate thieves cleaned out our money - our money - from the national coffers? They never said a damned word. And yet, stopping the Boy King was a popular thing to do. It would have enhanced their position.

Hell, they became less popular than the least popular president in history because they didn't make good on their promise to stop him.

Now they have their majority. Look out for the Repubs. They know how to make their base happy. You want to see oversight? Look out. After McCain-Palin threw them entire sides of red meat to feast on, they're ready.

Are the Democrats? Or will they acquiesce to the Repub smears that will masquerade as 'oversight.' Remember the Gingrich Congress investigating Clinton's Christmas list (true). That's their idea of oversight - trivia and smears.

Of course, that's their idea of everything.


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