Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let's Fix This!

Oh, the fun we're going to have over the next year! We're going to be able to fix stuff! And not just the obvious, first-in-line stuff. As broken, horrible, destructive things become revealed, we can just put an Obama Whammy on them!

For example, let's fix this: the Navy won a Supreme Court case saying it can use active sonar in training without any limits, even though it kills and disables marine life.

That's just mean! You don't have to go around destroying wildlife and habitats to train - just turn up your iPod to the sound level you hear kids use on the subway every day!

Let's fix it! It's just a silly old Navy rule that allowed Dick Cheney to pretend to shoot manatees in the face. President Obama can just say: "cut it out!" That's it!

Now, Glenn Greenwald (link on the right) has made many excellent points (as usual) about Congress being overly deferential to the new president, and about the new president taking all that power and using it. Just because you think he's good and Georgie is bad - okay, just because he is good and Georgie is bad, it's still equally bad to break the constitution to give either too much power.

But the Great Glenn also points pout that many of the very very very bad things that Georgie has done were done by executive order, so Obama may have no choice but to rescind them the same way. Fair enough.

This case - and more to come - is about a Navy training rule that the president, in his actual (as opposed to Rightist Fictional) role as "Commander in Chief" can order changed.

Cool! Fixed!

What's next?


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