Friday, November 14, 2008

Al Qaeda - Bigger and Stronger

Mike Hayden says that Al Qaeda is growing and reaching out to even more places. Oh good. Weren't the Repubs supposed to be tough of those guys? What happened to all the swaggering?

John McCain said that he knew how to beat them. Any chance he'll reveal his amazing secret now? Or will he petulantly keep it to himself? Pleeeeeeese. John? Tell us how to beat them? Pleeeeeeze!

I suspect we've been hearing that answer for a while. Okay, John, we'll bomb them. Sure. Now, eat your soup.

Really, the fact that Repubs can even talk about national security is a national joke. They have to turn their fact-fabricator up to "11" to go there. The Boy King has been the biggest windfall in terror history. His stupid bloody assaults on the world have done absolutely nothing - expect that SAl Qaeda recruitment videos don't need any special effects now. American taxpayers provide the fireworks.

What really gets me is that they don't even have to lie about us anymore to have the recruits fighting each other to join. They used to have to say 'America is run by secret Jewish bankers and dry cleaners.' Now? They don't even have to go there. All they have to say to young Islamic men is: "remember your grandma?" Sure - the one turned into marshmallow-jelly by American munitions. "Where do I sign?"

But at least we have Mikey Haden to keep torturing them. That's all about the hearts & minds. Al Qaeda's hearts & minds that is. Would you join up with the side using torture? No way.

It's all part and parcel to the Worst Government in American History. Their legacy is that American Conservatism is Dead. Hayden can go suck eggs.

Seven years later, Osama bin Laden still draws free air.

Heckuvajob, Mikie!


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