Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Oh, gosh! The right wing military Junta that controls Georgie Bush's brain has come up with more stories about how badly Iran needs to be bombed. I mean, some countries need to be bombed a little, and others need to be bombed 'back to the stone age.' Iran needs to be bombed back the whole 2,000 years since the world was created and populated with Adam.

I mean, these guys are just begging pleading for us to fire off a salvo. They want it. Should we continue to deny it to them?

See, a real live official of our real live government that you should Trust Very Much says that Iran is giving weapons to the Taliban. Really!

Okay, forget the fact - fact - that this government has been wrong on absolutely everything down to mis-tying their shoes. Okay? That's the US government, of course. The Iranian government has more credibility at this point.

Of course, Iran won't deny it. Why should they? If it's true, the US saying it makes people doubt it (can you believe that? But it's true). And if it's not true, Iran gets some Arab street cred from those who choose to believe it's true (yes, I know Iran is not an Arab country, that's just where they'll get the credit).

And Georgie continues to drum up his next conflict.

Look: the military wants absolutely nothing to do with a military action against Iran. The Army and Marine Corps are in shambles. The Junta has done what no outside enemy has ever been able to do to the US ground forces: they've shattered them.

But a strike with air and/or naval power wouldn't get the war mojo going for slavering death junkies like Joe Lieberman and Dick Cheney. Rove wouldn't mind it either, but he's more of a cold fish; he's in it for the power, not simply the gory killing.

America is becoming exactly what her enemies have always accused her - falsely - of being. Rather than exist as a 'City on a Hill' and an example to mankind, we've fit jackboots and started marching.

Instead of allowing international pressure to disarm a nuclear Iran - because after all, absolutely nobody wants them to have a Bomb - we're belly-bumping with them. Bullying, pushing, insulting them. Why? Because that's all the Junta knows about.

Cheney and the other NeoCons only know about bullying and ignore all other avenues. They are inherently lazy and know that using wisdom and patience is much more work than just lashing out. And to them, there is no good work.

Except for the work that others perform for their pleasure. And that goes double for the poor saps who pull on a uniform and go kill for them. Buy them body armour? Hah! We need that money for tax cuts. Pay for medical care for the wounded? Fund the VA? We have better things to do - chump. Go grab a few million from your Trust Fund and we'll talk.

Don't have a few million in your Trust Fund? Then you better get your butt to Iraq - or who knows? Maybe we can get that Iran thing going with a few more insults and incursions.

Did you know they were sending money to Afghanistan?


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