Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Not Going!

I don't care what you say, or all you ethics panel dudes or all you bank managers and countries and the rest of you - Paul Wolfowitz will stand tall and keep his job! What's his real crime here? He gave his girlfriend a new job with a big huge raise. You know what that means?

He was thinking with his dick.

And who among us can claim that they haven't been led by their genitalia at some point in their lives? That includes you, too, ladies. So what if Wolfowitz lied to the American public and pushed his country into a bloody war for what he knew were false reasons? He got results. And now he's bringing the same 'can-do' attitude to the effete global-ist World Bank.

That's the real problem: all those foreigners at the bank are ruining it for real Americans. Real Americans know that there is no such thing as 'oversight.' Wolfie was at the DoD for years, started a war, hell, he could have gone on a three-state killing spree without oversight. Congress was, appropriately, in a dead coma. And that's where they should stay.

So don't show up at Paul's World Bank and start issuing reports with 'facts' and 'policies.' Those things aren't supposed to count for anything. They haven't in the US. It's the fault of those Euro defeat-o-crats - not Paul.

Paul Wolfowitz was born blameless and will die blameless - and will blame you for his eventual demise.

Citing what it said was the “central theme” of the matter, the report said Mr. Wolfowitz’s assertions that what he did was in response to the requests of others showed that “from the outset” of his tenure he “cast himself in opposition to the established rules of the institution.”

“He did not accept the bank’s policy on conflict of interest, so he sought to negotiate for himself a resolution different from that which would be applied to the staff he was selected to head,” the committee said, adding that this was “a manifestation of an attitude in which Mr. Wolfowitz saw himself as the outsider to whom the established rules and standards did not apply.”

“It evidences questionable judgment and a preoccupation with self-interest over institutional best interest,” it said.

What these policy fascists fail to realize is that there are different rules for Neocons than for the rest of us - don't hate the player, hate the game! You can't blame Paulie for taking advantage of the life-excuse of being an extreme rightist ideologue. It's his bank! Rules don't apply to him!

See: when you're a Neocon, your are Right. And when you are, by dint of your extreme ideology, Always Right, than everything you do is, by definition, The Right Thing to Do. That's what Paul and his Peeps are trying to explain - it's like Georgie in the White House. Georgie is the Commander Guy - and he's always right. Just by saying something, he makes it the right thing to say.

So, of course, the Junta has been mobilized in support of the Right Man:

In the face of that storm, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. was on the telephone during the day with counterparts in at least half a dozen countries to tell them that “these facts do not rise to the level of warranting dismissal,” according to a senior Treasury official.

Of course they do not rise to the level of dismissal! Think back to Rummy and the city-sized crater of destruction he caused - and lasted five years as SoD.

I mean - losing Wolfie over this would be like impeaching a sitting president for some legal dalliance with a woman. Absurd!

Oh, sure, if you want to go back in history you can find cases where leaders had to behave good or else the appearance of impropriety would cause them to resign. But remember: those weaklings weren't Right. They weren't Neocons. The Neocon's purpose on the planet is to get lots and lots of power so they can screw things up on a global and historical scale.

Without his World Bank, how can Paulie make the kind of bad decisions that will cause chaos, death, and ruin? Exactly.

But there are good outcomes from this scandal already. For example, the Euro's might not pony up their end of the Cash crippling the Bank:

But European governments have increasingly signaled that they will not finance the bank if Mr. Wolfowitz stays. In particular jeopardy is a commitment made in 2005 by Mr. Bush and other Western leaders to cancel the debts of poor countries, a pledge that will cost $30 billion in new financing over the next three years.

Keeping poor people poor is Job One for Neocons, so Paulie is making a Neocon success of the bank after all! Think of it - as a Neocon, Paulie can't help but succeed. Here's how it works:

1) Neocon gets power in an organization he hates (UN, World Bank, United States government).

2) Using his thorough and complete amorality, coupled with cave-man ignorance and an inability to do anything right, the Neocon destroys everything he touches.

3) The hated organization is toppled.

Hail to the Neocons! It's time to fail up, up, and away!

But, even better, this fell in Paulie's lap - literally. His girl was going to sue the World Bank because of Paulie, so he gave her the State Department job to shut her up, and then hushed up the whole thing.

Yes, thinking with his dick has led Paulie to nearly destroy the World Bank.

How many other dicks can make that claim?


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