Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Chimp Court

As if further evidence was required to show just how empty Georgie's suit really is, we have the first decision by his Chimp Courts at Gitmo: a rebuke.

Even the hand-picked Chimp Judges couldn't work their way through this one. And, being nominally American, would not blow past the law to get to the executions. It seems that in their rush to get Congress to rubber-stamp their Military Commissions, they created an unworkable Frankenstein of bizarre legal twisting and stretching.


Apparently, there are two types of courts, and neither (or both) are charged with determining if an inmate is an 'illegal combatant' or a legal combatant (i.e. a soldier). Without that determination, there can be no trial.

So the works were gummed up before they had a chance to even deliver the fear-based and justice-free verdicts they were slapped together to create. Too bad.

Why has anyone ever though for a millisecond that this gang of concrete-headed mental patients could cobble up a Justice System? Out of their own heads? Come on.

The reason they have to do it this way is simple: their own behaviour before and during the incarceration of these prisoners has been patently illegal. Illegal by American law and by international law. Why else are they in a military base in a country we have no diplomatic or commercial ties with?

They grabbed these guys up for no good reason. They kept them illegally with no recourse and no charges - for years now. They tortured them.

There is nothing they could do with them in a real court - military or civilian - but release them and wait for the civil action that will make them pay millions.

But they won't do that, and they won't reveal their own criminality in open court. So they'll keep them banged up forever. This decision actually helps the Junta - they have no intention of releasing anyone. This just prolongs the captivity until the next administration.

So Bush and Rove and the rest of their criminal gang can get safely out of town.


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