Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Back to the simple questions of the day.

First, based on sworn testimony by former Deputy Attorney General James Comey, Georgie broke the law in 2004 (at the very least). He continued the illegal NSA wiretapping program without the approval of the Justice Department saying it was legal (clearly fraudulent but at least minimally reviewed). They said that they reviewed it and in their authoritarian president-can-do-no-wrong minds, it was okay. But the program went ahead without even that internal rubber-stamp.

Simple question: where's the Special Prosecutor?

Second simple question: what's Karl Rove doing?

Georgie doesn't have any more elections to defraud. Nobody else in the White House is ever going to run for anything but their lives when the FBI swears out warrants in a few months. Rove is clearly nothing but a smoothly amoral political fixer. So what's he still doing at Georgie's side?

Does the Toddler Prince really need his hand held now? My expectation has been that Rove would pick his next Fool King to 'make,' and then hop off to the primary campaigns to start smearing the other Repubs.

So what happened? I think there are two things going on with Darth Rove.

First, the Rebub field is really truly hopeless. I have never seen a more pathetic presidential group - and that's not just because I think their ideology is utterly fascistic and against everything America should stand for.

Rudi is the frontrunner, but his whole political career revolves around two days when he walked in the rubble of 9-11. But even then, he failed his rescue workers by not fixing the Police-Fire communications when he had a chance. He certified that the area was safe to work in, but it never was. So thousands (yes thousands) of 9-11 clean-up workers are gravely ill with respiratory problems.

And he cashed in on the whole thing with his secretive "Giuliani Partners" consulting firm before he even left office, and has made tens of millions of dollars.

That's just for starters; he's pro-choice (but willing to see abortion sent back to the butchers for votes). He's for gay rights and gun control. Any Repub who has voted for "family values" in the past - which the Repubs have claimed to be their edge at the polls - will reject him.

And yet he's pro-torture and endless war and regal presidential powers. And that's it. That makes him the front-runner. It's pathetic, even for the Repubs.

McCain has become a cartoon of himself. He's another delusional war-monger, who has cuddled up to the far right - but too little, too late. They don't trust him, ironically, because of the "straight talk" that made him a media darling in 2000. And after his Iraq capades, he's become a joke. He should have just stayed in the Senate as a war hero.

Romney is a Mormon, and the Repub base can't forgive that. Plus he's repudiated his former liberal social positions, which makes him a flip-flopper. Repubs, you may recall, hate flip-floppers.

Brownback and Tancredo and Huckelby are a collective joke - who don't believe in evolution. Try selling that to anybody outside the warped extreme religious right. Poor Fred Thompson has incurable cancer - I wish for his sake he'd just take care of himself and enjoy the rest of his life. As a practical matter, a man with incurable cancer cannot win a presidential election - sorry.

So there are no good options for Rove. There's nobody even close enough to try and re-invent. McCain is the only remote possibility, but after Rove hit far below the belt against him in 2000, I can't imagine even this version of McCain taking him on.

The other reason for Rove continuing malevolent presence in our executive branch is protection. As an official of the Junta, Rove has the muscle to refuse a Senate subpoena. He can hide behind Georgie and Cheney's skirts until the mess blows over in 2009. As a private citizen, Bill Gates couldn't afford the lawyers he'd need.

His reign of greed and lawbreaking has twisted the American government into contortions that will take a generation to untie. He has crossed every ethical and legal line to try and start a Repub Caliphate in Washington. He's brought death and ruin to everything he's looked at. He is a living pestilence.

And the minute he steps out of the Washington vault he's built for himself, he's meat.

So he'll stay in the shadows - or try. With any luck (or true Americans making it happen) there will be investigations and prosecutions of this cancer, and the other cancers he's installed in positions of power.

We'll start with AG Gonzo, and go from there.


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