Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I just saw Spider-Man 3 yesterday. What amazing eye-candy it was. To bad there wasn't an equal amount of brain candy.

The CGI was just jaw-dropping. The animated people looked like real people. The fx blend in to real shots seamlessly. The speed and power of the characters really comes to life.

What does not, unfortunately, is the story. I had praised the first two Spider-Man movies for taking the best of the comic book story lines and using them to great effect in the films. The modern twist on the great 60's Stan Lee plots were fantastic - literally.

But where Lee was a master story teller and a genius at character, the stories that were the springboard for SM3 just didn't cut it. The baseline story - that of the black costume and symbiont - was not a Stan Lee creation. It was a story that preceded the great McFarland run in the 1990's, but wasn't even a product of McFarland overrated writing abilities (though he is a truly great artist).

Essentially, the black slug thing falls from outer space a few feet away from Peter Parker, who fails to notice it. It latches on to him when he makes some terribly selfish life choices, and makes him into a marginally bad guy for a while - an emotional super-villain.

Then he gets rid of it and it turns Eric Foreman into a total monster, Venom. Venom teams up with a misunderstood Sandman to have a totally big fight against Spider-Man. But the Green Goblin forgives Spidey in tome to come and help him out.

Which makes you wonder at just how misunderstood Sandman really was if he was capable of teaming up with an obvious wannabe mass murderer like Venom.

Does any of this sound like a story?

My advise is to go buy a ticket, sit back and suck in the visuals, and just sleep though the parts where people become all mopey.


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