Monday, May 07, 2007


This is fantastic: three of the ten Repub presidential candidrones don't believe in evolution. And now the right wing is 'debating' what to do with the whole idea. Splendid - what a great way to reveal how little they've changed over the years and how closely they resemble their simian ancestors - some creatures evolve faster than others.

Not believing in evolution is like not believing in electricity. It's been a long time sine it was an actual 'debate.' And the electricity folks can be pretty sure that their side won.

And, incidentally, there is absolutely nothing in science - even the science of evolution - that needs to contradict religion. Evolution works like any other scientific process, but where does science come from? The universe obeys certain physical laws - who made those laws? And why is it considered so counter-religious to explore the wonderful universe that the deity brought us into?

I saw Carl Sagan years ago on Carson, and he answered the question perfectly: if science is so wrong, why is G-d playing such a huge hoax on us? Why did G-d give us minds to think and understand and question - and then punish us for using these faculties? Why did He put galaxies out there where we can see them - only to tell us to stop doing the math and just go to church?

Obviously, it's an absurdity perpetrated by those who could not pass math in school (I got a D). And by those who use religion as a cudgel to win power and money from the opiated masses.

And, politically, people are starting to understand what the Ignorant Right has done to them. We've lost most of a decade of stem cell research. People who would have been helped will get their cure - whenever it's developed - eight years late. Do you think they've all got an extra eight years?

Anti-science has brought pollution and global warming. It's brought a religious FDA that withholds birth control and allows Big Pharma to sell whatever toxic crap they feel like cramming into a pill.

Justice is now a political operation.

Nobody outside the far right ever wanted any of this. I just hope the backlash will fit the crimes.

Meanwhile,the press - even the New York Times - still take these war-mongering special-ed cases seriously. There's a huge article this morning discussing the conservative take on evolution. Apparently, there's some sort of 'split.'

But anybody who can take any of this stuff seriously is far too delusional to lead anything bigger than a FotoLab booth. What do 'conservatives' believe about evolution? Who cares?

Conservatism is the corpse that continues to twitch - we just have to make sure it's not going to come back as a zombie.

The other wonderful thing that this debate among Neanderthals shows is the fact that conservatives don't actually believe in anything other than obedience to authority. All the so-called principles that they talk about have been trashed by this Junta. I won't go over the list, but in everything from social policy to economic policy to foreign policy, conservative principles have been forgotten in a stampede to spend and render and kill. There's nothing left of them.

So here's to the great conservative debate - keep it up, boys! No, Senator Brownback, you did not come from a monkey, sir! Here, say it into this microphone...


Blogger Unknown said...

It's counter religous when they try to say that this is the way it happened, with no actual proof.
Have you noticed that it is still a theory and one has to make a number of inferences when they choose to believe it?

Micro evolution does happen.
It happens with bacteria and differing strains of viruses,there is seen evidence, but macro evolution is completely different.
A frog doesn't become another creature. I mean if evolution's
point of saying that it takes "million and bilions" of years to evolve, how do any of the creatures survive?
An entire species can be wiped off the face of the earth before their
DNA even knows what in the world is going on.

2:07 AM  

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