Thursday, May 03, 2007

Fade - Updated

You read it here first - the Dems backed down and apparently have agreed to pass a war funding bill without withdrawal timelines. Bush compromised by not physically urinating on Democrats, and instead allowing Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to wash his car.

Seriously: what is going on here? Harry and Nancy bucked fast on that one. Why? They have the American, you know, people on their side. Their only negatives in the polls have to do with not standing up to the Junta enough - so they decide to stand up less.

I have a suggestion for them: stop talking to Georgie. Stop meeting with him or anyone in his gang of vampires. Do not, under any circumstances, "negotiate." To negotiate with Georgie mean listening to him endlessly whine, posture, and be the Decider - and then get his way. That's how it works.

Instead, talk to Repubs. You know - the guys who will face voters again in a couple of years. They know that even in their backward Red domains, people have turned against the war and this hopelessly corrupt administration.

I'll bet Nancy and Harry can put together a bill that will attract enough Repubs to over-ride a veto. And if not, they can really hammer these idiots back home - and take their seats away in 2008 (they'll do that anyway, but still).

But with the political climate changing so quickly and so drastically, Nancy & Harry need to keep up - or get passed by. Georgie and his authoritarian party are bobbing on the 25% support of the fanatical fascistic Repub base (and the super rich who just love their tax cuts). The rest of the country is fluctuating between wanting to kill them and just wanting to jail them for life.

That being said, I still have faith in Nancy & Harry. I'm really hoping they're using this second bill to set up an even bigger score that will happen soon (can't be soon enough). There is more and more deliberate malfeasance being uncovered every day - and I'm sure no shortage of supply for years to come.

This bill is neither the beginning nor the end of opposition to the mis-rule of the worst president in American history. But it's an important one. Every day that the war is allowed to needlessly continue, more people die. Their lives are worth more than the political expediency of the eviscerating narcissistic Right.


Not true! Even though the Washington Post has it on their front page, Pelosi and Reid are denying the story. Pelosi just went in front of her caucus and told them it's just not true. And since the negotiations haven't started yet, it's hard to believe they've actually made any concessions.

Talk about a dysfunctional media. Now the WaPo is negotiating for Georgie and capitulatring for Nancy?


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