Thursday, April 26, 2007


Condo Rice doesn't want to testify under oath about what she said and did in the run-up to the Iraq fiasco. And it's quite understandable that she wouldn't want to - but can she refuse a Congressional subpoena?

Hopefully, we're still enough of a democracy to compel our political servants to answer the people's questions - right. Just kidding there. This would probably devolve into another Gonzo "I don't recall" session anyway, but it's worth doing.

Condo Rice was the central player in the lead-up (lie-up) to the war, even more so that Rummey or Darth Cheney. Sure, the uber-NeoConvicts were slavering for blood - oil tankers full of the stuff. And they churned out their own bad intel when the CIA wouldn't do their dirty work well enough.

But there was also Colin Powell, who seems to have had a glimmer of a notion that this whole thing was badly mangled from the get-go. There was bad intel, there was sloppy haphazard and non-existent planning, and the whole operation was as faith-based as a Creation Science seminar.

Which brings us to Condo. It's the role of the National Security Advisor to balance the powers in the White House, and ensure that the president receive only good and valid intelligence material. Condo, no NeoChickenHawk herself by all reports, failed to stand up and do her job.

Cheney and Rummy got their way - their "stovepiped" intel was all that little Georgie saw. Their raspy malevolent voices were all that he heard. It was Condo's job to prevent that, and she failed utterly.

The Niger uranium story is illustrative - and the one that Congressman Waxman wants to ask her about. They know from the get-go that the story was false. And by the way there never been an investigation into the forged documents that were passed to the Italians.

There was no uranium deal, ever. They knew that before Joe Wilson went there - and knew it for sure afterward. And yet they still pushed the story - Condo herself pushed it years after it was publicly discredited.

Was she simply intimidated by the Faustian presence of Cheney? She did actively participate in the lies - did she buy into the project and want to help Rummy sell his war to the little boss?

Stay tuned - this is just the opening salvo of what will be a long war to take down the Junta.

One other thing - this is why the miniscule amout of oversight in the do-nothing Congress was done - to give people like Condo cover. Her line is: 'hey - I already answered everything.'

Sure, in the don't-ask-don't-tell world of the Repub Congress, she got hit with a few questions that she danced around. But real investigation was never done on the most important question qabout this gang of crooks: who told what lie to who and when did they tell it? Sure, it'll be a long list, but worth compiling.

Watch for that theme in Junta responses: "hey, we covered that already." Yes, in the same sense that a Piper Cub is the same as a B-52, the questions were answered. They were questions, and answers were put forward. But never in a way intended to get to the truth. Always in a way to justify Junta actions and give cover to their operatives like Condo and Gonzo.

Well, gas up the bombers. It's time.


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