Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The congressional Democrats are considering a vote of no confidence in AG Gonzo. They seem to think that it will force his to resign, or force the Chimp Prince to fire him. Sure.

Here's my new simple question: is there a bottom to their behaviour? Is there a place where they draw the line and say "we won't do any more harm?"

I ask that because there is no way in hell Georgie will fire his guy. And there is no further way in any sort of punishing afterlife plane that Gonzo will resign. It just will not happen.

I do like the idea of a no confidence vote - it gets everybody on record unequivocally. No spinning or squirming will get a Repub candidate out from under a vote of confidence for the Orwellian head of Justice.

But the idea that the boy who would fire no loyalists would turf the ultimate loyalist is absurd.

It puts one to mind of St. Thomas a Becket. Thomas was appointed by Henry II to run the Anglican Church as Henry saw fit, using Thomas as his house man. But, upon gaining the seat, Thomas started acting like an Archbishop.

He literally seems to have gotten religion. As the leader of a religion, he saw that his responsibilities were greater than the greed of a king. And that led, inadvertently, to Thomas's murder at the hands of the king's men.

Gonzo's life is in no imminent danger from his king. Immune to such simplistic urges as 'real justice' and hardened against any concepts as 'country above king' or 'justice for its own sake,' Gonzo has presided over the most politicized Justice Department in history. He has done the bidding of his political masters at every turn.

And that's been his greatest downfall. He had the chance of a lifetime to do good, and he threw it away. As a Hispanic, he could have refused orders to gut the Civil Rights Division and fill the few remaining jobs with loyal Junta guards - but he would not.

Rather than question political orders, he barely read them. Clearly, when the order came from Rove to ditch the eight US Attorneys, he just said: 'yup.' In his embarrassing testimony, he said he couldn't recall who put the list together or why those names were on it.


So he's either such a house man that he just jumps without question, or he was part of a conspiracy to enforce rightist political dogma on the USA's. These are the federal prosecutors who are supposed to be our side - the side of the people and the side of justice. Not any more.

So don't expect to see Gonzo go any time soon. Georgie isn't up for any more elections, and he could not possibly care less what you think about his Attorney General.

As always, the central message of this administration and all Repub politics is simply this: "go fuck yourself."


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