Tuesday, April 10, 2007


New news on the Jose Padilla trial - the judge dismissed his motion to, umm, dismiss. The trial can go forward, which is probably a good thing.

It's a good thing because what the Junta would most likely prefer is a Hamdi-like end to Padilla. That is, they illegally mistreat, confine, and torture him for a few years, and then just let him go when the authorities show up. Really, they're no different than kidnappers.

The judge ruled that while Padilla may or may not have been abused by the government, the law isn't there to let him walk on that basis. Otherwise, lots of defendants could walk based on allegations of government bad acts.

Which would be fine with me. I think that if the government tortures someone or illegally hold them, they should get to walk. Still, if that's all this ruling means, it's high time we get this trial started.

Look: if the government tries to use any of the information they got from Padilla in the 3.5 years they illegally held him as an 'enemy combatant,' it's going to open up the whole subject.

Which the government doesn't want. See, the government of the United States knows it did wrong, and wants to cover up its behaviour. That's the government - the people you pay to serve you and act in your interests.

Is it in your interest for your nation to torture and illegally confine many innocent people? Do you want them to 'disappear' people into secret CIA prisons and hold them forever? Would you like to deny them a lawyer and any vestige of due process?

That was done to Padilla - an American citizen. If they can do it to him, they can do it to you.

George Bush's America holds no resemblance to the America I was raised to revere. That's why I keep going back to George H.W. and Barb, his parents. How lousy were they as people and role models if they could raise stone cold serial killing wannnabe dictator who thinks it's okay to lie and cheat and steal and kill and ruin if his pals suggest it?

Poppy raised Georgie to be Dick Cheney's sock puppet. He was raised to see only the affluent and hear only the rich. He's dedicated his life to afflicting the afflicted and comforting the comfortable.

In short, this guy is a truly bad human being. He is everything an American should be raised not to be. And yet there he is.

What's amusing is watching it unravel. A good early start is the USA purge hearings that will start later in the month. This is where we can get a glimpse at the political machine that has driven all policy for six years, including policy areas that are explicitly meant to be non-partisan.

It's like there's this huge wall up and on the other side, the Junta is pulling an enormous crime on the American people. It's not one crime or another, it's all one big meta-crime. Gonzo writes the torture memo and then oversees the utter corruption of the Justice Department. And the spider in the middle of it all is Rove.

Stay tuned.


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