Friday, March 23, 2007

Did It

Well, they did it. 218-212, the House voted in their Iraq resolution. Finally.

Clearly, I think it's time to get out of the Iraq debacle. But no resolution that they were capable of passing would sustain a veto. So, no matter how binding, without a veto-proof majority (which they do not have) the resolution is going to be more message than law.

And there's nothing wrong with that. It's a good start on a dirty job. The misrule of this administration is going to take years to clean up, if we ever do recover at all.

The Democrats risked living up to their vile opponent's talking points by being divided and seeming to be entangled with internecine squabbling. As usual, it was just a bunch of "insider" Washington anti-Democrat bilge. Nancy delivered the bill she could, and now it's time to move on.

Not that the war should go on the back burner. It should be the #1 topic of oversight reviews. But since they weren't going to end the damn thing no matter what they died, it's best to make a statement and move to the next item.

And there's lots to oversee. Typically with psychotics, they reveal their own thinking with preemptive denials. Thus when professional liar Dan Bartlett says "there are no dots to connect," the truth is really that there are nothing but dots to connect.

And their biggest fear is that somebody will start connecting them.

Just as the Plame story that brought down Scooter was just an overture to the story of how the Junta lied us into war, the fired USA's story is an overture to the larger story of a thoroughly corrupted DoJ. And that deep corruption is connected to the conduct of the GWOT (just to catch you up on the acronyms, that's the Global War On Terror).

When you conduct a large enterprise that is dedicated to lawlessness and the use of outlaw practices, those things come to define who you are. Since it was AG Gonzo who was an early proponent of torture and rendition and indefinite chargeless imprisonment and other breathtakingly unAmerican activities, certainly the organization that he runs will come to be just as lawless overall.

When Gonzo orders his cadre to spy on Americans illegally, they learn to ignore the law. Thus, the entire FBI ignored their legal duty to report the use of NSL's - why bother? The boss says it doesn't matter.

And when US Attorneys are given orders to indict Democrats on the local (under the radar) level by a ratio of 5 to 1, they learn that they are not servants of the American People. They are servants of the Rove Republicans. If a few buck the trend, they are out.

Which dot dot dots back to the USA investigation. And from there, forward to the entire web of deadly deceit that has run America for far too long. And at the center, the Bush-Rove-Cheney cabal. The psychotic sociopaths who were vested with complete power.

I think in a couple of years America is going to be like post-WWII France. France was occupied by the German Nazis from 1940 to 1944. In that time, the French were, overall, quiet as mice. They even had their own Nazi government run out of Vichy. The French resistance was depressingly small and ineffective. Far more French worked with their occupiers than against them.

But when the Allies "liberated" them, the resistance members crawled out of the woodwork. Suddenly, there were millions of resistance members. They were all valiant warriors against the Boche.


And so it will be. "I was against Bush in 1998, before he even ran." "I knew he was up to something, so I voted against him in 2004 - twice!" Right.

Make no mistake: this is a historically shameful period for America. As the recovery commences, don't forget to track the names of the collaborators before they recast themselves as resistance.


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