Wednesday, April 04, 2007


One more comment to add to the mountain of outrage arising from the Boy King's press conference yesterday. He's spinning as hard as he can to say that the Democrats have not funded the troops. That, of course, is a flat out lie. He's the one who's going to veto the bill - they passed it.

But what struck me was this line:

The bottom line is this: Congress's failure to fund our troops on the front lines will mean that some of our military families could wait longer for their loved ones to return to the front lines. And others could see their loved ones headed back to the war earlier than they need to. That is unacceptable to me, and I believe it is unacceptable to the American people.

Loved ones will 'wait longer to return,' and 'head back earlier' under his veto of the "emergency" spending bill.

But isn't that the same as taking the troops hostage? He's threatening American voters with the safety of their loved ones in the military. He's saying: "give me what I want or else I'll take your kids away."

As he's always quick to point out, the Decider is the one who makes these calls. The Boy King has your son's and daughter's lives in his hands.

"Tell Pelosi to back off, or Jimmy goes straight to Sadr City!"

The lives of our troops are nothing but game pieces to him. Could that be any more clear than he makes it in this statement?

He's going to hold America's uniformed soldiery hostage in his war zone. And many that he has trapped will not come home alive. And many more will come home battered and mutilated.

And there he stands, delivering the ransom note: 'it's my bill or Sgt. Jimmy and Lt. Sally keep patrolling in Anbar Province. I've got your kids - are you ready to vote?"

I sure am.


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