Tuesday, April 03, 2007


The "Land for Peace" brigades are out again, in force. This time, it's the Arab world offering the olive branch (or is it the fig leaf? I can never get that straight) if only those terrible Israeli's would back on out of all that land.

Perish forbid Israel have any say in it.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's call for a regional conference with Arab leaders drew a skeptical response on Monday from Saudi and Palestinian officials and diplomats who said it was a diversionary tactic.

Olmert proposed holding the conference as a possible alternative to U.S.-backed plans for talks through an Arab League working group that could try to negotiate details of a land-for-peace accord, diplomats involved in the matter said.

But Saudi officials say the kingdom would only consider talks if Israel clearly accepted the Arab peace initiative without any conditions. A statement issued after Monday's Saudi cabinet session stated the kingdom's position.

Okay. So let's have a chat after you agree to everything we've asked for. And that's a valid offer, not that tripe that you're spewing about meeting before there's an agreement in place.

Look: let's get it straight: there is no land-for-peace deal. There never was, and there never will be. Israel will never give up actual land - much less land it's developed - for promises of friendship from people who've been trying to kill them for more than 50 years.

It's all a public relations stunt by the Saudis (who are proposing it) because Cheney and their neocon friends are putting pressure on them. The Saudis know that neocons are base cowards and liars - they speak the same language - so a proposal like the one the Saudis are offering is calculated to look like they're offering something without actually offering anything.

And when Israel responds: "let's discuss your proposal," the Saudis and the rest of the Arabs say "no!" Hoooo-kay.

Israel won't trade their life (land) for peace (promises by genocidal killers). They won't roll back to the 1967 borders. They won't allow a 'right of return.' Shockingly, they won't negotiate away their own right to exist.

But their position is undercut by the support of the worst government in American history. Since Georgie and his neocon handlers are unwavering supporters of Israel, their opponents are sucked into being sops for the Arab world.

The Bush Junta is back where they started seven years ago. Their original line was 'the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is small and not worth our time.' It was, as with everything, a repudiation of Clinton. And as with everything, they were dead wrong. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the heart of Middle East issues. Everybody there knows it.

So, of course, the Junta was oblivious to it. Until recently, when they've swung back to see that it was that important - but now they have no leverage to change anything.

Everybody in the world knows how dumb they are. So the Saudis know that they can shine them on with a counterfeit proposal. Olmert knows the same thing. Proposals go flying around and nothing changes.

Arab state have made Israel the bogey man for so long that they can't afford to compromise. Israel can't compromise on its security. As long as the Arab world is committed to the destruction of Israel and the genocide of its people, there will be no settlement.

Anything short of that is a dead letter. It's posturing.


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