Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Well, they've canned Scooter Libby. One down - I guess that's good news. I'm enough of a pessimist to think that the rest of them will never see the justice that they so richly deserve. I do envy the Watergate era Dems who got to see their small and democratic version of Bush get full comeuppance (though he should never have been pardoned). Will we ever see the Bush-Cheney-Rove Junta frog-marched out of the White House?

Of course not.

And as for the dubious pleasure of frog-march-watching, I doubt we'll ever see Scooter bagged in that way, either. No doubt Georgie already has his pardon written up and signed. It's just a question of timing now.

The nice thing is that extreme rightists are both dumb and self-interested. When it comes time for some of the non-OVP players to start taking their lumps, they'll sing like the Vienna Boys Choir before taking a fall - no matter how much they claim to love Dear Leader.

Maybe, if the Dems ever get around to impeaching Bush and Cheney and Rove and all the other power-puppets, they'll find that Cheney was right all along: that the OVP is a special wonderland of power.

Cheney does make that claim - not the wonderland thing, just the power (he takes his raw). He thinks that sine the Veep breaks ties in the Senate, that he's above both the Prenzneet and the Congress.

You see, part of the problem that the Martians are now facing in ruling over us in the bodies of neocons (try to stay with me here) is that it starts to get complicated for them. They don't understand the concept of "war" in their culture. They are fully peaceful when it comes to other Martians.

Which is why they cause so much bloodshed on earth: earth people are far too primitive to share the solar system with.

But you knew all that. What they don't get is how earth people can actually believe that "Dick Cheney" is one of them. Surely he's an extreme enough parody of their behaviour for them to catch on - right?

Apparently not.

So Martian Neocon "Cheney" make the patently absurd claim the the OVP is invested with any authority at all, and nobody takes him up on it. Just amazing.

Well, "Dick" - I'm on to you. Your alien notions of keeping us 'in our place' are outmoded and destructive. We will prevail!

We may be a smouldering chunk of coal bobbing along in the asteroid belt by then, but we'll prevail!


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