Thursday, December 21, 2006


Georgie and his new buddy, Bobby Gates (a new face!) are talking up a "surge" in troops that are supposed to do something military. Except the Joint Chiefs are publicly against it. But they're a bunch of cowards who only fight wares, not send people away to fight them.

Anyways, two things about this "surge.' First, it's not really such a big deal militarily because they're only talking about 20,000-30,000 troops. Yes, that's a lot of troops, I agree. But if you look back over the past three years of warfare, our forces have regularly swung from 130,000 to 160,000. The usual estimate is around 138,000.

So another 20k is only news when King Georgie makes an imperial pronouncement, or when his various court functionaries talk to their media scribes about the plans. It's a SURGE! We're SURGING! Umm, okay.

The Joint Chiefs are agin' the surge because there's no military mission for it. You're going to drop a small division on their battlefield to do - what, exactly? See, if it were 200,000 troops, it would mean that maybe we could secure the country enough for people to start rebuilding their shattered lives. But after the immense errors of the past, it would more likely take 2,000,000 men for that.

And nothing is going to work in Iraq until there is security for the moms and pops and kids. We in the real world were telling the irrational zealots the same thing before the invasion.

The second point about the "Surge" is that in a practical sense it's not at all a surge - it's a dam. See, we don't really have 20k guys to drop in there. What we have are relief forces so the tired and shellshocked vets can cycle out of theater and get some down time.

A "surge" is really a "dam" because you're taking in the new guys without releasing the old guys. The 'tour of duty' for troops scheduled to come home would extend, while their replacements still come in-country.

Which once again begs the question: for what? We long ago lot the ability to control the places we need to control. We still can't protect the damn road from the damn airport to the damn Green Zone. 20,000 guys can't change those facts.

Like everything else, this whole conversation is for the consumption of votes who are disgusted by the King and his party. Little King doesn't want to do what Baker is telling him to do, so he'll make it look like he's doing something else when he's really just doing the same things he's always done.

Smart King!

I swear, this guy must be a Soviet Plant into the Bush family back in the 60's, because nobody has ever done as much damage to America as he has. Somewhere, Kruschev is laughing.


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