Friday, September 01, 2006


I love this. It's a story that's emblematic of the failure of our national media over the past six years, as a Neo-Fascist cabal has taken over the federal government - without their noticing.

There are so many stories to be told, so many things they are doing without the knowledge or consent of their employers - the American people. And with any sort of active media, those stories would start to be told now. Sadly, that's not the case. The NF's (Neo-Fascists) are clamping down on whistle-blowers, and without people actively forcing their stories on a disinterested media, nothing gets told.

Except when a journalism student decides to do a term paper. Then - guess what? You got it. She finds a story worth telling.

The Department of Education was sharing confidential student information with the FBI.

The effort was reported yesterday by a graduate student, Laura McGann, at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, as part of a reporting project that focused on national security and civil liberties.

Were are the 'real' journalists to tell these stories? McGann apparently noticed a mention of the program in a GAO report. Yes, she read a GAO report - don't we have journalists at the WaPo and NYT or anywhere else that read this stuff?

"Operation Strikeback" (yes, that's really what they called it) is, apparently, over. That's according to a document in the FOA file that McGann got - a document dated 10 days after she intervied an Education official.

“This operation Strikeback confirms our worst fears about the uses to which these databases can be put,” said David L. Warren, president of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, which represents 900 institutions. “The concentration of all this data absolutely invites use by other agencies of data that had been gathered for very specific and narrow purposes, namely the granting of student aid to needy kids.”

It's like the fish are junping into the boat, but nobody wants to pick them up and put them in a net. The NF's think "privacy" and "civil liberties" are for governments, not people.

And until we get more journalism students on the job, we're not going to learn anything else about what our government is doing to us.

To the mainstream media: WAKE THE HELL UP!


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