Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Go read E.J. Dionne. He has it right: Democrats must start organizing like Republicans.

Too many Dems (myself included) have thought: "the truth shall set me free" for too many years. The truth - objectively, scientifically, and morally - is with the Dems. Republicans erect one facade after the next to make objectionable idiocy sound good to the Red-State masses. Surely, just being right where they are disasteriously wrong is enough. Isn't it?

Absolutely not. Repubs could sell sea water on Gilligans Island. They've proven time and again that they have no shame and no patriotism. They will use 9-11 and any other national tragedy to sell their political sewage to the people. Dems can't just point and say: "that's crap."

The crap salesmen are too good for that. They know going into a campaign that they are telling lies. And they know that they'll get away with it.

Because if their politicians and thousands of their loyalists on the ground and virtually the entire Washington press corps insist rudely that the lies are truth, a polite insistance of the truth won't work.

Dems need to drop the gloves. And they need to stop being a series of ad-hoc committees for or against issues. They need to be a party. Howard Dean is right to build a 50-state plan. If you give up on Alabama, you will never win there at any level.

And no state is out of reach - becaeuse for any political affiliation, the truth - if you fight for it - will set everyone free.


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