Wednesday, August 30, 2006


There is not a single person on the planet less qualified to talk about the "lessons of history" than Don Rumsfeld. And yet, once again, he offers them as our cat might offer you a dead vole. No, Fluffy; that's not food.

Speaking as much about his own fascist Junta as any Islamic group, he said:

“This is not an enemy that can be ignored, or negotiated with, or appeased,’’ he said. “And every retreat by civilized nations is an invitation to further violence against us. Men who despise freedom will attack freedom in any part of the world, and so responsible nations have a duty to stay on the offensive, together, to remove this threat.”

"Freedom," in this case, being defined as "enforced willingness to take orders from Junta aparatchiks." Because Rumsfeld's version of freedom would not be inclusive of anybody who is, you know, actually free.

The Bushitesclamoramour to line up with the 'thinking' of the administration are "free." Joe Lieberman is free - and soon to be free of a job - because he thinks that what goes on in Iraq has any possible positive purpose or outcome.

Because as much as the Junta wants to think they're fighting WWII, they're clearly not. 'Islamic Fascism' is a myth that they've created for their own political good. The closest thing there is in the world to "Islamic Fascism' is Saudi Arabia. The Junta's closest ally.

The Neocons want you to think it's 1938 again. It's not. Islamic radicalism is a deadly regressive force in the world, but it's not unified and it has no common purpose. Hamas is not Hezbollah, and Hezbollah is not the Sadr Militia.

Saying this is 1938 again is the same as saying that WWII was Anglicanism and the AmerProtestantdtant Churches vs. Lutheranism and the Pope.

And if we're stupid enough to actually believe that, then we're in for an Orwellian perpetual war. Which is a chilling thought that I've posited more than once. What do Cheney and Rumsfeld want? Their vision of America seems to closely resemble the perpetual fear and control machine from 1984.

Certainly their efforts to control all government information and do everything in perfect secrecy has nothing to do with freedom. And less to do with anything but a fascist charictacure of "Freedom."


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