Thursday, August 24, 2006


The anonymous Republicans are back in the news. You know them - the hideous war-mongering Minotaurs who are allowed to give unattributed - unrebutted - statements to the Washington press corps.

"Godzilla is real," stated the source, who spoke for this article on condition of anonymity because they were lying, "and what are we doing about it? The Pentagon doesn't have any 10-square-mile electrical nets in their inventory. If we wait for Mothra to solve this for us, we'll be smelling burps that taste like Tokyo."

Let's backtrack briefly to the unexamined executive decisions and pronouncements that tragically led us to the Iraq Debacle. CIA and other Intel shops all said the same thing: Iraq is no threat, Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. The Junta had already decided that they were going to invade Iraq for their own personal reasons, so they applied pressure and cherry-picked the intel.

So anything that was 'beyond grasping at straws' or better was moved to the 'virtual certainty' category. Anything that 'proved conclusively that Iraq was no threat' was moved to the 'crazy guessing communist' category. CIA Director George Tenet, after first pushing for real world solutions, gave up and went along with the game. 'Okay, sure, Iraq, whatever.'

And Rummy set up his own lie-machine intel group in the Pentagon because the other spy groups didn't give him the lies he needed to justify the invasion.

When the whole thing blew up in the faces of the kids they sent over to do their dirty work, they turned the lies around the other way. 'The CIA screwed us up.' Right.

Zoom to now, today. What have we learned from all this? As usual, the Junta has learned nothing - not even new lies.

Some senior Bush administration officials and top Republican lawmakers are voicing anger that American spy agencies have not issued more ominous warnings about the threats that they say Iran presents to the United States.

Right. To them, the problem is not that the intel groups got too political and caved to the bloodthirsty civilians who wanted to trump up a war. The problem was that the intel groups pushed the dovish Bush administration into a stupidly conceived and executed invasion because of the bad info they passed along.

In other words, the narrative is that CIA blew the call to arms, and Georgie was just protectionating the American People when he invaded Iraq. And the corollary to that Big Lie is that the CIA is being too timid now, lest they repeat their mistake.

Some policy makers also said they were displeased that American spy agencies were playing down intelligence reports [...] “The people in the community are unwilling to make judgment calls and don’t know how to link anything together,” one senior United States official said.

This is true Rovian propaganda. There is no evidence that Iran is directly controlliHezbollahlah (of course they're bankrolling them). But we want them to be. Tinteltel agencies say Iran is a decade at least from bomb-making. But our ruling Junta wants them to say that Iranianian bomb imminentant.

So the Rovians go out there and tell any brain-dead reporter they can find that the CIA is soft-soaping the deal. So you don't need ainformation innin order to act. If you can get reports out that the intelligence groups are sitting on information that should lead to a pre-emptive attack on Iran, then you don't need any actual intelligence.

"We're not in a court of law," he said. "When they say there is 'no evidence,' you have to ask them what they mean, what is the meaning of the term 'evidence?'"

Right. Who needs cevidencelaw evedence when you're only going to go kill 30-40,000 people? I mean, you only need "evidence" when you're going to lock someone up for a few months - or even suspend their sentence. But when you're going to bomb and invade and crush and destroy, you don't have to meet such a high standard.

Can we please get adult humans back in our government? These teenage lizard-people are just too much to deal with.


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