Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Wow. Been a while. How's it going?

Okay, new polls out and for the first time - though that seems rather odd - a majority of Americans have broken through the mind-powers of Dr. Rove and the Junta. 51% now believe that the war in Iraq has - wait for it - nothing to do with the war on terror. Criminy. Who stopped drinking the kool-aid?

That's up 10% since June. It's possible - though I'm not sure of the timing of the poll - that the recent London arrests may have hurt the Party of Lies. What I mean is that, after all these years of telling people to be 1) very afraid and 2) trust them to be tough and kill and torture and invade to keep Americans safe, the latest measure of fear may have burst the bubble.

Because many Americans might have gone along with the lawlessness and bloodthirstyness to keep terrorists away. And now they're clearly not away. They are indeed plotting, still, mass murder.

Americans have given Bush their sons, daughters, treasure, and civil liberties in exchange for - what? The Brits making show arrests? The Florida 'terrorist' arrests that look like they caught the cast of "Mad TV?" Please.

Maybe it's time. Maybe now that Georgie's at 36% approval and 57% disapproval people will catch the lies. Maybe people are sick of being scared all the time.

From 9-11 2001 to the ramp-up to war in 2003 to the growing insurgency, this administration has been one catastrophe after the next - nearly all because of their thuggishness and bumbling.

So stop now. Get the teens out of the drivers seat. They just drove the new Yaris over ten miles of back country until the wheels are falling off and your spine has popped out your ears. They're still driving and looking at the next ten miles.

People are starting to realize that it's time to take the keys from them.


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