Wednesday, August 09, 2006


It's Ned! Mr. Lamont is now the Democratic Party candidate for Senate in the great state of Connecticut. Huh.

I've wondered before about the wisdom of putting so much money and emphasis on this race, but I guess the results make it all worth it. Lieberman has proven to be, well, not a Democrat in the past.

We've gone over the issues. I'll be happier in November when we're celebrating a series of victories over actual Republicans.

And I'm not all that surprised that Lieberman is going to run as an "independent Democrat." He's been in the Senate for 18 years, and that's a hard habit to break. Incumbant senators are not supposed to lose primaries.

But Lieberman has become the bellwether of a new fighting spirit among progressives. We're sick and tired of being pushed around by the extreme right. The Rightists are bellicose and belligerent and they lie and cheat and steal. And Lieberman has greased the skids for them at every turn.

We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more.


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