Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hate Thy Neighbor

This story from today's Globe & Mail is well worth a read. "Hateful Chatter Behind the Veil" is an in-depth look at the internet chat among the wives of the recently arrested terror suspects in Mississauga, Ontario. And it will, if you are a civilized person, chill you to the marrow of your bones.

If you want to know what it is we are fighting in the world, have a read. It is written in bold fiery letters.

"We hate Canada."

On homosexuals: "Look at these pathetic people, they should all be sent to Saudi, where these sickos are executed or crushed by a wall, in public."

"May Allah crush these Jews, bring them down to their knees, humiliate them. Ya Allah make their women widows and their children orphans."

In a May, 2004 post titled "Behold Your Enemy!" she posts multiple articles describing the humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at the hands of American soldiers. "Know what you will face one day," she warns fellow forum members. "Let them call you a terrorist, let them make you look like a savage, but know that THIS is the filth of the earth, the uncivilized destroyer of humanity."

"Know from this day that this is not an Iraqi problem, it is not an Afghani problem, it is not a Palestinian problem, it is not a Somali problem. IT IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!"

Ms. Jamal's zealousness for homegrown Muslim causes is matched only by her rejection of just about everything Canadian. As the June, 2004 federal election draws near, she repeatedly advises Muslim youth to completely avoid the process. Voting, she tells them, inherently violates the sovereignty of God, making it the most egregious sin against Islam.

"Are you accepting a system that separates religion and state?" she asks. "Are you gonna give your pledge of allegiance to a party that puts secular laws above the laws of Allah? Are you gonna worship that which they worship? Are you going to throw away the most important thing that makes you a Muslim?"

Those are my neighbors - in the Meadowvale area of the city of Mississauga. One woman wanted to establish in her pre-nap the right to divorce her husband if he refused to go on a violent jihad.

They hate Canada and all things Canadian. They want to kill me (as a Jew) and take away all rights from all people who don't believe exactly what they believe. That's not me saying it, it's their own words. Right next door.

What's to be done? Do we return their hate with our own hate? It's hard not to. I struggle with this, because reading those hateful words, I really want this woman to suffer some sort of reprisal. If she believes what she (and many others) write on this forum, they should not live in Canada. They should not be citizens of this great nation.

But I struggle. Do I descend to their level? Would it be suicidal not to fight this sort of violent backwardness?

But the bigger question is what is and has been done about radical Islam. So much of the ire that we hear is based on what's happened since 9-11. The anti-democratic Junta now ruling the once-great United States has created a far greater monster that we were bitten by in 2001.

Or perhaps they've just woken it up. Either way, it is the torture and murder of Muslims by the Bushistas that fuel their fire. There will always be bin Ladens - but must there always be Ms. Jamal?

However it was that these awful women arrived at their disgusting beliefs, they are there in our society - hating us. Now what do we do?


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